its time to catch a shark

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a shower was shown running as Jonas takes as shower while Kari was shown looking out the many windows in there room her hair was un curls as she wore a black tank top showing off her figure as she also wore blue ripped jeans with ankle boots as she leans against the wall with crossed arms. when a constant knock was heard making her annoyed as she answers the door as it slides open showing suyin in a red v neck shirt with black jeans with boots as she walks in" look I apologize for what I said to you last night I was just angry.." she trails off seeing Kari was the one answer the door with a half naked Jonas standing behind his wife in only a towel showing off his abs and muscles.

many of the girls sigh dreamily at Jonas on the screen making Kari let out a threating growl" he's mine" as she hugs Jonas to her.

"your naked" suyin stated as she stared at Jonas as Kari glares standing in front of Jonas "he's my husband back off." she states coldly.

"yeah love one thing you should know mates are very protective of each other and you don't want to piss off my sister more then yall already have" Finn says as his siblings nodded there heads in agreement 

suyin nods her head not wanting to anger the women anymore as she quickly leaves the room.

Kari then turns around to her mate as she looks him up and down as she walks over and runs her hands up her well built body" your mine" she says as she slides a hand to the back of his neck as she pulls him into a deep kiss as he wraps a arm around her waist pulling her closer as they kiss passionately.

her brothers groan or screech slamming hands over there eyes not wanting to see this as Kari laughs" I don't see what the big deal is yall do the same thing" she says.

"but the difference is we don't want to see our older sister about to have sex" Klaus says with a huff as Kari just shakes her head at her brothers.

in a room the others were discussing on what was discovered last night. "This is what attacked me and the others. A megalodon" suyin says.

"How big is that thing" dj asked.

"Between 70 and 80 feet, 21 to 27 meters" she says as the picture of the megalodon moves as it faced them opening it's jaws "the megalodon was the largest shark that ever existed it feared nothing. Had no predators it's jaws were stronger then any other animal ever" she says as a chart was shown different sharks, whales and the megalodon as it was bigger the all the others before a picture of a megalodon with a whales head in it's jaws before side picture showing a megalodon with it's jaws wide Open showing its teeth.

"The meg could bite a whale in half crushing through the bones"suyin says as a picture of a meg biting through a whale is shown.

"We are in uncharted territory until today megalodos were thought to have been extinct for over two million years ago."Zhang says.

"Wrong "dj states after what just happened the other day.

"A living fossil" Jaxx states.

"yes and now its a fossil all right but not the apex fossil" Kari says as she and the others share a look as many were shocked.

The wall glares at the screen with tears "that living fossil eat my friend" he says as many share looks.

"I cannot begin to express my sadness for toshi's death, we have the discovery of a life time this is what toshi worked for it what we all worked for but we're going to have to proceed slowly" Zhang says.

Jack Morris was shown by the window he thought differently" yeah that's really not gonna work for me" he says turning to face them as Jonas walks in leaning against the wall.

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