4; Heavenis

40 4 2

Jack Aomori

Where on earth am I? I think to myself. My breathing has grown steadily heavier and I feel ever so light. Simplicity never was life's favourite after all.

Have I finally landed?

What am I? All these questions growing in my head make me feel... hungry. I could eat practically anything... everything. I am a giant with an unsatisfiable appetite.

'Jack...Jack...' I hear groaning somewhere out of my sight.

This is becoming too much to bear. So I begin tearing out my hair and scratching my arms until they bleed...

'No, Jack, you mustn't let your fear darken you!' the voice whispers louder. 

"Leave me alone!" I bellow. 


My breathing adjusts gradually, as does my eyesight. I peer into the darkness that is quickly brightening, like a glass of black coffee being gently filled with white, wispy milk. 

 "Leave me alone..." I utter.

"There's no fear necessary..." replies that dreadful voice from the beckoning darkness surrounding me. 

 The voice was filled with hate but it was calm and, strangely enough, soothing.

I felt somewhat compelled. My fear was gradually decreasing. I began to follow the voice...

It was compelling, contradictory and troglodytic. What does the latter even mean? I ask myself.

All at once I felt a force tugging at my soul. As if I was entering some sort of room filled with harps and angels. Happiness suddenly flourished my entire being. 

Never had I experienced such a magnificent journey in all my years dedicated to the research regarding the human mind. Having contact with patients was worse enough....

Confusion. Hatred. Agony. 

What is happening?! Everything has changed... again. I feel as though I am in a game of tug of war, drastically being pulled in all directions by some foreign force.

 "Keep calm..." continued the voice, "keep calm..." it repeated.


Without prepositions or pronouns, the voice continued pulling me towards its zone.

What zone, however?

Surely there is a name for a hidden place such as the one I was thinking of. I was still sinking into the dark, camouflaged by my jet black Asian hair and ebony eyes.

 It seemed to take an eternity to finally get to my destination. I still couldn't understand what destination it was; however, upon arriving, I felt complete.

It was as though I was in some sort of Paradise...Heaven...an upper world.

Light inflamed the room. Wind abounded in my presence.

"Heavenis," uttered the voice full of dark imagery. "Heavenis..."

"Stop...Stop..sStopp!!" I shout, ripping my veins out from my arms. I howl in pain.

I could still, however, no longer bear the thought of being dragged into some incognito area of the human mind, especially of one belonging to Xara's.

It was too late. I had already skied into...Heavenis

But what was it? What the hell was 'Heavenis'? And who was talking?

I cry out again in pain at the shreds of skin being torn away from my arms. The wind was contributing to a lot of the operation being carried out, peeling my arms like potatoes.

I was still following the voice. The wind was taking me towards it. Or was the voice taking me towards the wind? Were they both one? Like soul brothers; one soul abiding in two bodies, for example, Alexander the Great and...

Wait! What a wonderful metaphor...'The voice of the wind'...

Never mind. I know I'll never be answered. Yet my fear has manifested itself, as before long a shadowy figure emerges from the light of strummed harps and echoes filling the room.

At first it was difficult to make out, however I could then visualize a tall, masculine figure quickly creep into the room. Was this Heavenis' master? Like God's Heaven...or the Devil's hell?

 Would I find out then?

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