1; An Unnamed History of Events

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Xara Ellis

Let me see... what could I write on this fine day? I thought to myself, sitting at my desk in the living room. My sight was a little blurry, but my thoughts were still intact.

After everything that had happened; the liaising, the networking, the crash, the deaths, the cat... him, them, her, us and it.

I want to tell you my story. It's difficult, however, almost intangible, long, slippery, intricate and difficult to understand. Let me start by grabbing a piece of paper, then I can start writing my penultimate masterpiece. 


To be frank, life is so mysterious.

As a child, I used to ask myself where it all came from: life, the Earth, Galaxies, the Universe and the rest of Creation.

Technology cannot prove it. We humans are not intelligent enough to travel all the way back to the beginning of time itself, and announce 'Whom' formed history.

Many call it God, and, to be fair, I believe in God now, considering I had undergone such a fantastic journey, therefore a revelation. My next problem is trying to feel Him, trying to love Him - attempting to feel His love in return.

The ridiculous skeptics of the year 3032 deny all this. They even refuse to believe my story, and it's even been scientifically proven. Never mind. They'll have their own revelation... eventually.

I do apologize. You must be so shocked! The current year is indeed 3032 - where have you been? In any such a case, I repeat... keep all this a secret.

Allow me to introduce myself better: I was born on April 16th 3005 in - what you from the past would call 'Minnesota' - to an English Father and an Icelandic Mother. The city I was born and grew up in is now known as 'Yesté'. It is notorious for its enormous surroundings and cutting-edge technological sites. 

Moving on, I have one brother and one sister, both currently living in Asia.

Having grown up in Minnesota, my accent should be Minnesotan, or 'Yestean'. Instead, it is British, because my Father is British and I was home-schooled. Moreover, being a shy girl, I never got the opportunity to get out. However, the older I became, the stronger I became, and at about 16 (yes, a dreadfully long time), the real Xara emerged.

She had longer, darker hair, a strong, loving personality and no one could deride her. If not, her compass would change directions - pointing from South to North.

She was generous enough to be warm when the sun was generous enough to give warmth. However, she was scrooge enough to be cold when the weather was scrooge enough to give coldness.

A good usage of metaphors? I would think so, because it's truth, and without truth, everything in existence is nothing, worth nothing and less than nothing.

I was bestowed with a gift of Love, intelligence and power - something unearthly. It was so bizarre I didn't even know what it was, until I could actually start to move mountains with it.

The adventure consists of three subjects: Myself, Adrian and Jack.

Adrian and Jack are two scientists, or at least were two scientists. They were also ingenious, each having had a special gift such as my own.

The ninth intelligence is called 'Existential', and was discovered centuries before the tenth, which has been located in only four people, one of them being myself.

Yes, it is that rare. 4 out of 15 billion people is equivalent to nothing.

As a matter of fact, over 8 billion live on the earth and the other half spend their part of the 31st century on Planet Chione, far away from the here.

It would have been impossible for the Earth to contain 15 billion humans at the same time, let alone the buildings that would have been built and the transport which would have been needed. It would have led onto world pollution and therefore climate change.

This was about to happen, centuries ago, before a new American President was elected and decided what was best for the human race. She was the third female American President to have ever existed, and her name was Emily J. Harper.

It was no easy decision. Families were separated and many protested. It was disastrous, also known as 'The 231 years of Heartbreak'. Shipping about 6 billion humans to a different planet took that many years. Not many, actually, considering it is one of the hardest things man has had to accomplish so far. However, how was it done? When?

Well, I certainly wasn't alive at that time.

The 22nd century consisted of heatwaves and the shipping of many humans to Antarctica in incredibly large flying machines. Apparently it ended in a tragic love story between two people who were chased from a faraway place right to the departure of one of the airships, where one escaped the sun flare and other died, burned to death. However, I am afraid to tell you that I have no account of all this. It just does not live within my memory. I can only tell you what information I retrieve from the hospital newspapers and magazines.

And so, humans didn't find this change that difficult to cope with, except learning the local language, which was Russian at the time. That was already difficult to carry out itself, whilst the USA, Japan and China agreed to help rebuild the Earth. Although a fourth world war occurred in the middle of the 24th century, peace took control of the world for almost two hundred years and a few centuries later, circa the 26th century, technology managed to help calm the global heat thus allowing other parts of the world to be habitable again.

Afterwards, the population grew at an extraordinary rate. By the year 2672 there were 15.3 billion people on the earth. Incredible, don't you think?

Being too many to control - and also causing a lot of protests and wars - someone had to be elected in order to retain world peace.

Thus, by 2701, Emily J. Harper was made the solution. She was such a small, young woman at the time. Nevertheless, this amazing young lady was able to take control of the failing world and put it back into place, but with heartbreaking results.

Her infamous 'Love/Luck Speech' two years after her election changed the world forever, deviating it a completely different way.

The whole world was listening to what was going to happen within just over 230 years, which consisted of 'Human Movement'. Although similar to the Human Shipping to a foreign country of the 22nd century, this was to be cataclysmic.

Planet Chione is found thousands of light years away from the Earth, and no contacts with its inhabitants have been made yet. There will be, soon. I'll make sure there'll be.

But the rest does not interest you. It already happened. So why know it? Perhaps just to attain a better understanding of the future story. Well, where shall I start?

Enough with the questions, Xara!

You see, dear Reader, I am a genius. You might also be. Perhaps you wish to find out.

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