2; Xara's voice

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Xara Ellipsis

Welcome to my world, fellow acquaintance.

 I presume you are also a genius. Do you have powerful mind-waves like me? I am sure you do. If you have what I am talking about, then you have come to the right place. 

 Psychology is my life... I love her and she is my friend.

 I need her. Without psychology, I wouldn't even be who I am today. At least, who I was until a couple of weeks ago. 

 Before I had become the other person, I was successful. Successful as in I had mastered my skills and used them to escape problems.

 I had earned a master's degree in psychology, opened up five orphanages in Philadelphia, worked for the FBI and even won the Nobel Prize for peace.

 Call me a show-off if you will. I disagree. I wouldn't be here, telling you all this, only for you to know it all.

 It was to warn you. I wrote this to prevent the same thing from happening to others, such as humans like yourself (or aliens).

 As a matter of fact, I had become so in love with psychology that I became her. Yes, became an actual subject, or even a different kind of entity. I am now a slightly less strong person, roaming about a ward of Queen Mary's Hospital, scoffing up biscuits that fell onto the floor days ago and regurgitating them half an hour later.

 My adventure has become famous to the world, and I am here to explain it to you more clearly.   Would you like to continue reading? If so, you are brave. It is not for the faint of heart; exploring somebody else's mind. 

 You can find secrets, fears, dreams. Imagination is also found within the labyrinth of one's psyche. 

 Are you ready? What are you called? Do you have a strange name such as my own? Oh well. I guess I'll never know, but you will. You'll know your name soon. 

 Now that we know each other, let us delve deeper into the psyche of myself. 

 I call myself Xara Ellipsis; my stagename. Truly, however, I am Xara Ellis, and for a reason, too.




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