The world in 3032 a.D

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Yesté, pronounced 'Yas-DEE', is one of humankind's most important cultural and economical centers. It is twinned with the capital center of Chione, Daphus.

Yesté's name was given by the US government, who originally wanted to call it 'Taste', due to its supreme functions and technology, but added spice to it by changing the initial, spelling and pronunciation.

Before, this city was known as Minnesota. It was completely razed to the ground in the year 2555, when the alien inhabitants of the planet Chione declared war to Earth after the first humans attempted to colonize it.

 However, after surviving the harsh conditions on Chione and adapting to co-exist with the autoctonous inhabitants by learning the language, mankind managed to develop a relationship with the alien race of Chione and start building cities and colonies there as there were too many people on Earth (12.54 billion) to feed and take care of.

 History of Earth from 2021-

2021-2033-WWW3, involving all nations. 1.2 billion lives are lost.

2044-Government tries to depopulate Earth through various ways.

2050-17 teenagers are tricked and led to their deaths at the Mangoes Stadium in New Jersey by a Polish magician, whose whereabouts are were never to be found. (Read 'Sweet Dreams, Charlie"). 

2113-Invention of the time machine. Only for specialized people.

2115-The secret government is destroyed for its wrongdoings.

January 2126-heatwave destroys most of Earth and its inhabitants. Population decrease from 11.3 billion to 8.1 billion.

2126-2129-The R4HC ships protect as many people as possible by sheltering them in their bodies and taking them to live in Antarctica, where there is land and the possibility to grow crops. In the meantime, the US government as well as other powerful nations gather to help rebuild Earth. World languages in order of importance: Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English. (Read "Like most I came from an Ocean...")

2131-2348-Period of World peace and growth. Better known as the 'Splendour of the brother worlds'. 

November 2349-Cambodia attacks Vietnam, claiming the latter 'stole' parts of their territory during the last summit in 2345. Vietnam first reacts peacefully, then asks for help from the USA. Yellowstone erupts.

February 2350-April 2361-World War VI occurs, involving thirty-two different states and killing almost 4 billion people with nuclear weapons originally from Mars.

May 2362-June 2555-Peace of the world. Technology improves further. Russian is no longer the world's official language, with English and Mandarin taking its place. Hawaii has two new islands due to the eruption of its volcanoes. Man discovers life on Planet Chione. Life expectancy is now between 170-210 years of age.

July 2555-Man lands on Chione to make contact with its race (Lei'ine) but is forced to retreat due to the Lei'ine's threats of destructing the Earth.

October 2555-2634-First Solar War, consisting of the clash between Earth's humans and Chione's Lei'ine.

2634-2697-Humans and Lei'ine sign a peace treaty and exchange worlds with a law forbidding the mixture of either race. (Lei'ine are allowed to live on Earth, Humans are allowed to visit Chione but neither humans nor Lei'ine can mate with one another.)

2697-2699-World peace.

2700-2701-USA President Emily J. Harper is elected as world administrator along with Chione's leader, Ashtori. Half of the human race are shipped to Planet Chione.

2702-2933-231 years of Heartbreak. Human movement to Chione. Planet Earth contains approximately 8.26 billion people, whereas Chione just over 4 billion Lei'ine and 7.52 billion humans. Both are granted the permission to mate by President Emily Harper and Lei'ine leader Ashtori.

2904--? Solar peace.

3005-Xara Ellis is born.

3012-Invention of the Dreamsavers.

3032-Suspicions arise on technology and government. Possible new world order.

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