11; Temptation and the fool

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Jack Aomori

"Show me your inner ocean," the strange man violined. 

"My what...?" I asked humbly. Still fearful, I raised my arms to notice all the wounds were gone. What had happened? The wind had died down now and I was still trying to make out the figure standing in front of me.

"Your insides," replied the strangely beautiful man, "your heart."

"How?" I queried impatiently. 

 I could feel every inch of myself growing with hesitance, impatience, but above all, anger.

The only real issue evolving consisted in feeling paralyzed in some way. Yes, I began to feel drowsy..tired...deeper....

 The more I started visualizing the man, the weaker I became. 

 "Fear not," the man replied, "for I live, just like you..." his voice eerie, echoing in the light.

"Where...where am I?"

Suddenly, the man's face started to contort. It transformed into a red, kaleidoscopic sort of machinery. I don't know how to explain it...

 The man refused to answer. I waited, staring into his gleaming eyes. They shone, much like the light I had been emanating like a dragon not so long beforehand.

 I soon felt anger surging once more. Anger and fear.

"Tell me! Where am I? What is this place? Who are you?!" I bellowed. 

 The man smiled, then stepped forward. A white cloud shivered and shimmered underneath him. I managed to get a better view of what he was wearing; nothing too special, simply a white, glowing robe.

 "My name, fellow Jack, is Elfus."

Elfus...I thought to myself, registering the peculiar name in my mind. 

"You are in Heavenis, one of the mind's most important places. You surely will have studied it: you scientists have labeled it 'H22'."

 'H22!' I said mentally. Like D12, H22 was a room within Xara's mind. Each room has a different consistency and regards different topics, like memories, imagination...fears.

 H22 is the spiritual part of the mind, located right behind one's pineal gland-the third eye. Yet, most scientists have rarely believed in a 'third eye', and very few have attempted to discover whether it exists or not. 

 The person I was talking to was referring to God's atoms, the light of each being. What 'Elfus' was claiming was that 'Heavenis' is the actual soul incorporated within each human body. 

 Why was this place named 'Heavenis', however? Heaven is the so-called destination of each good soul; the opposite of hell and standing above Purgatory and...Limbo!

 Adrian must be stuck in Limbo, the temporary tomb of the non-baptized according to Christianity, yet also the destination of a second mind trapped within a mind host, such as Xara's. 

 For example, placing this story on hiatus for one moment, were Xara's mind to suddenly collapse, Adrian-without using his genius, of course-would be eternally trapped in Limbo. 

 That leaves three people to help him: Dr. Hunter, Jason and myself.

 What would happen to me? I thought quickly, racking my imaginary brains in order to find a solution to my impending doom. 

 "You're safe here, my friend," replied Elfus, with a slightly Germanic accent. It sounded slightly German and slightly Dutch with a tinge of English. 

 "No, I'm not!" I answered back. 

 "You are, you just aren't aware of it," he said. Or should I say, 'he stated'? 'He affirmed'? "Put said to bed!" is what my English teacher would always say, that is-Xara. 

 Not only a genius nor simply an FBI agent, she was also a teacher before some terrible humanoid creature penetrated her mind and snatched the very gift Xara was born with. 

 "How am I safe?" I queried, panicking. 

 "Relax," he uttered, " this is heaven-isssss....this is a safe Haven just for you and I. An Empire for the two of us..."

 At that, my panicking stopped. 

 Empire? I thought to myself. I imagined sitting down, despite the fact I had no idea what I was sitting on. 

 "An Empire, you say?" I asked, smirking, "go on..."

Elfus took another step forward and sat across me in the daylight. 

 "Heavenis isn't simply where visitors of a patient's mind end up after floating around in seemingly eternal darkness," he explained, motioning his hands with every word he spoke. He moved so elegantly, so smoothly and beautifully yet he seemed dangerous-in a beautiful kind of way. 

 Looking at him made me tingle. 

 "It's a resource of the human mind," Elfus continued, "a haven, an exotic underway where one may forget about the mundane reality of the world you live in and simply..."


 "Heavenate. Ever heard of such a word, young fellow from Japan? It does not exist within your vocabulary, nor will it ever be discovered by humans."

 "Yet, I am a human and...-" I was interrupted by the shimmering elf. 

 "You're a human and you know more than what you think," his voice growing louder-still gentle-but louder. 

 "You were chosen, Jack Aomori," he pronounced my surname ever so perfectly. 

 "Chosen?" I beamed at him. 

 "Correct. Why do you think you are here? Simply to talk to me? Your inner powers have always been-until now, of course-doubted and given the incorrect dosage of reimbursement due to you. Have you ever wondered, Jack, why you were born?"

 I nodded frantically. 

 "You were born to save Xara, her mind, her body..."

"But her body is in the safest conditions," I replied, "the world's safest and most renowned hospital houses her as we speak!"

 "Indeed, that may be. But someone...or better, something, has breached her body, today-now."

 Just as he finished his sentence, the light began to dim. Elfus started to tremble and emanate various dark shades of blue and purple, blackening out until all I could see of him was his shining grey eyes. 

 What was happening? Heavenis was turning into some sort of inferno, or as Elfus communicated to me mentally: DEADMEAT. 

 What was DEADMEAT? What did it stand for? Who created it? For how long had it been existing? 

 "You're safe, Jack," whispered Elfus in my mind, "this happens rarely and only when Xara's body is being attacked. It is the mind's way of protecting itself. Remain calm..."

"What do you want me to do?!" I cried.

 "Release the vapour from your hands and steam it onto the cosmic rift that shall bring you a step closer to pure life," he replied, poised more now than ever.

 I then fell asleep, without noticing. 

 Imagine that! A sleeping mind within the walls of another dormant mind...Existence truly is a tapestry of art.



                                                                     "Dying empires' acid death meeting ends at teeth"

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