Author's note

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Welcome, Dear reader.

Thank you for having selected this book. You may have chosen it for its cover, its plot, title or totally at random.

Indeed, 'I; Labyrinth' is a highly strange story to read. Why, you ask? I am sure the synopsis will have explained the reason at least somehow.

It is a palette of various topics mixed into a 'labyrinth' - psychology, poetry, religion, human relationships, time, love, mazes and science. I have also included technology, psychological anomalies and dreams.

I warn you, however, that whether you enjoy this book or not, there is an intense, dark imagery surrounding it. I built it on purpose, as did the labyrinth of the same mind. Most of the characters are zany, the dream sequences can be rather horrific and some scenes require a lot of attention.

There are some psychological games in this book and they serve to test whether you can keep up with the story or not. Pay close attention.

It was meant to confuse you. If you can manage it, by all means, continue reading.

The rating was originally PG-13, however the author decided to replace it with R, as extra detail and frightening scenes may be inappropriate for people under the age of 16.

These scenes include some very eerie images of torture, imaginary creatures, oblivion, one rape scene (in Chapter 9, 'Tear your lungs out', just so you are prepared) and other surreal scenes. The sole reason these have been added was to render the darkness surrounding the story more suited to the book itself.

As the story evolves and the characters become more known to the reader, 'I; Labyrinth' becomes gradually darker and purposefully more frightening in order to convey the emotions felt by the characters to the readers.

Therefore, if you are sensitive to such images, read another book. Whereas, if you enjoy feeling confused and somewhat, frightened, read on.

One more thing I should add: read the character synopsis if you hope to understand this book the way you should. Also, at the beginning of every chapter the name of the narrator is written, before anybody else asks for extra clarification. I hope you enjoy this story, and from it, that you may learn something.

With the kindest of regards,

Alexander (an alter ego of Xara Ellis).

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