Prologue - The Kaleidoscope of my Heart

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The Cat

"My creativity rests in wait at the center of my mind.

It is cold and you are squinting in the rain that falls above it.

The labyrinth awaits your colours to seep into its pores,

but you are not doing anything.

A voice tells you to move on, and in your soaked white dress, you take a step closer towards the door of an infinite puzzle expecting your love's arrival.

Release the vapour from your hands and steam it onto the cosmic rift that shall bring you a step closer to pure life.

Behold! The gate has opened itself to you and your eyes have shut. A shot of blue has struck you into the corridor of ocean red, where I still lay far from reach.

Not knowing what to do, you call out my name.

However I cannot hear you and you cannot hear me.

Use your powers of light to find yourself around the tunnel.

I am existent; don't give up.

Open your heart and set out every single colour that rests within it. The spectrum of colours is infinite.

Walk faster, as the ocean is washing closer.

Run more quickly, while the air is blowing nearer.

Scream my name at the same moment that the earth is spinning to a closer distance.

Watch your way while the sun shoots further flares in proximity to you.

Use your powers, your love and the four elements.

Searching and searching, freezing and freezing, walking and walking, you finally see a light. Your colours have found it.

And I am not that far now. I still rest in a tomb expecting a welcome. Within a room made of rainbows and shapes, prisms and circles.

And so I sleep, and so you stride. Fear not, for love shall soon lighten up the passage that bounds even your most extraordinary dreams.

Wisdom gleams in imagined moonlight.

Faith opens the doorway of O26.

Echoes of forms fill your heart.

Welcome, my Dear, to the core of my Psyche."


Some important notes:

@samsababi for the beautiful banners. I really recommend checking out her work-she's very talented!

 Chapter five, 'Feel my Wrath' was originally entitled 'I am Anger' but TheFringe (my little brother) gave me a brilliant idea which will be revealed later on in the book, causing me to change the title. Thanks, Luca!

 One last thing, I was subconsciously inspired by the films 'Inception' (2010) and 'Paprika' (2007) on writing 'The Labyrinth of my Mind'. Nevertheless, they are two different stories with different people and a slightly diverse representation of the human mind. I hope you like it!! Don't forget to comment and vote :D

Thanks a lot,

Alex <3

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