Settling them in

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Open in a comfortable room with a big screen in the middle and two couches arranged so whoever sat on it could see the screen clearly. Jana sat in one of the couches. She concentrated and immediately necromantic witch Scott, nature witch Tiff, water witch Pris, sand witch/sandwich Lauren, illusionary witch Eloise, firefrost witch Joey, storm witch Shelby, time witch Cleo, and telepathy witch Bertha were teleported into the room. Needless to say, they all were extremely confused and agitated.

Joey: Someone has some explaining to do!

Bertha: My goodness, darling!

Eloise: Bertha? You have a face...

Lauren: Oh my gosh.

Bertha: Yes, I have a face again, darling.

Shelby: Oh, this again?

Cleo(Looking at Jana.): Oh, it's you.

Tiff: Do you two know her?

Scott(Realizing he was sitting next to Jana.): Who are you?

Jana(Sighing.): Here we go again...

Cleo(Looking at Scott.): Scott, you look different.

Scott: I'm back to normal, like you are.

Lauren: Who are you?

Jana: I'm Jana. I handle the afterlife and deliver souls when it's their turn.

Scott: If you're here about Milo you can't have him back.

Tiff: Who's Milo?

Jana: Don't worry Scott, I'm not here for him.

Eloise: Are you a witch?

Pris: You look like Shelby.

Jana: Um...

Shelby: I mean, she does have the white hair and blue clothes...

Jana: We're not related.

Joey: Well why are we here?

Jana: Well-

Lauren(To Cleo and Shelby.): How do you know her?

Cleo: When I died I met her briefly. She said something about it not being my turn yet so I got sent back to the living as a zombie.

Jana: You're looking so much better now, Cleo.

Cleo: Thank you.

Shelby: And uh... a long time ago me and my friends met her... we had this thing... it's a long story.

Scott: Something tells me this is going to take a while.

Jana: Anyway, if everyone would stop interrupting me, you're all here because I'm having you all react to each other.

Everyone: Excuse me, what?

Jana: Well, some of you don't know each other that well and I figure that since all the supreme witch drama is over then you've all got plenty of time to do it.

Bertha: Must we do this?

Jana: Well I mean, don't you all want to understand each other better?

Lauren: I do want to be a better friend after I kinda abandoned everyone at the demon fight.

Everyone: Wait, what?

Lauren: Wait, none of you noticed? Oh... oops?

Jana: Well anyway, this will also tell everyone some things about the other witches you may or may not have known.

Joey: Oh, so we can see everyone else's deepest, darkest secrets? I'm in!

Shelby: Okay, now I'm worried.

Bertha: I must say, darlings, this is going to give us plenty of gossip.

Scott: Well, I guess it's about time we opened up to each other about things.

Eloise: I mean, we are supposed to be friends.

Jana: Everyone gets a turn where stuff on screen will explain their lore and why they act the way they do.

Cleo: What's the order?

Pris: Alphabetical?

Jana: The amount of lore and content each witch has, and in ascending order, more or less anyway. First witch is Eloise.

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