Storm Witch Shelby

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Jana(Sighing.): Here we go.

Bertha: Finally, we will learn what Shelby has been up to all her life.

Scott: After all those little teasers.

Shelby: Just a small warning, you might not like some of what you see.


Shelby(Quietly.): Okay.

Jana: For some context, this took place a decade ago, or what Shelby says is a decade but it can't possibly be only ten years back.

Shelby: Hasn't it been ten years?

Jana: I think we're losing track of time again. But anyway, in that era Shelby and eleven other people-

Joey: Including me!

Jana(Acting like she didn't hear Joey.): -Started their own empires that they ruled over, and the currency instead of diamonds or inquisitive gems were everyone's exports. Instead of buying or selling you traded your export for someone else's. And unless you wanted war you aren't allowed to make an automatic farm of someone else's export. Shelby's export was potions.

Lauren: Wait, Shelby, you were a queen?

Shelby: Sort of. The definition of an empire is getting pretty stretched.

Joey: Tell me about it. Scott was just a-

Scott: Joey! Stop that!

Pris: But still. You. Ruled. An. Empire.

Shelby: Uh, yeah.

A couple people: And you never thought to mention it before?!

Joey(Annoyed.): Hey, I ruled one too, don't anyone forget that!

Eloise: The export system seems very interesting economically.

Jana: Yeah, I guess it was. It encouraged everyone to visit each other a lot to barter and stay on good terms unless you wanted the prices to raise.

Cleo: Sounds friendly. (Then the screen played the clip of Shelby first arriving in the Evermoore and meeting the other emperors at spawn.)

Pris: You had that bad grades?

Shelby(Embarassed.): Uh, yeah.

Bertha: My, my. The Evermoore...

Tiff: Do you know that place, Bertha?

Bertha: In my day it was haunted, and certainly was not safe for a young witch with failing grades.

Eloise: Then why did the witches send Shelby there?

Bertha: You've got to learn, young witches, that long before any of you were born the witching community played by very different rules.

Jana: This will be elaborated on later, so I won't explain now.

Scott: Is that me I see at the campfire?

Cleo: Wait, it is you.

Lauren: Scott's so colorful.

Pris: I didn't know that was possible!

Bertha: Mr. Major, you've got nearly every single color on you!

Scott: Are we sure that's me?

Joey: That is you, Scott.

Shelby: You from a past life. Your empire was Chromia and your export was dye. You had a reputation as the most colorful person on the server with the most colorful empire, except for maybe Sausage.

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