Time Witch Cleo

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Jana: Well anyway, Eloise's story is over, so Cleo's next.

Cleo: Ah. Okay. (The screen played the clip of Cleo revealing that she's from another timeline where Pris betrayed her.)

Lauren: You got betrayed too?

Joey: See? I told you that's what friends do.

Cleo: To clarify, I'm not mad at Pris anymore.

Tiff: Really? Why not?

Cleo: Pris told me recently that it wasn't really her who stabbed me, but-

Jana: But that's a long story that's going to spoil Pris' lore.

Pris: I guess I do have a lot of lore.

Bertha: Great, now I'm left on a suspenseful cliffhanger.

Jana: Anyway, as the time witch, Cleo experiences time differently than we do.

Shelby: How different?

Cleo: Well, you all experience time linearly, which means only going forward, but I experience it forward, backward, all at once, and never at all. Or I used to.

Lauren: What do you mean you used to?

Cleo: Well, do you see anything different about me?

Lauren: Oh, you're not green anymore! Does that mean you're human again?

Cleo: Yeah, Scott helped me out by turning me back after he became the Supreme Witch. In fact, my whole reason for joining the competition was to finally reverse time on myself and become human again.

Shelby: Did you never try using a golden apple and weakness potion?

Cleo: I did try that, it didn't work. Maybe it only works on villagers.

Shelby: Also, by the way, don't try it on a non-zombified person. It turns them into a zombie.

Scott: Really? How'd you know?

Shelby(Fidgetting.): Um... uh... a friend of mine had that exact experience.

Joey: Don't worry, Sausage's human again, although he says he lost two toes but that they'll grow back.

Lauren: Oh... erm. What do I say to this?

Jana: Maybe nothing. Anyway, now the clip where Cleo meets Scott. (The screen played the clip where Scott and Cleo met for the first time.)

Pris: You plotted to curse me from that early?!

Cleo: Well I guess I nurse my grudges too much. But maybe that happens because experiencing all time at once makes it hard to tell actually how long it's been since the offending incident happened.

Shelby: Well, either way, grudges are never a good thing.

Bertha: Look, time and necromancy, the two magicks that laugh at inevitability, making friends. I think we all knew from that point that those two would be an unforgettable duo.

Scott: Well Cleo's my best friend if that's what you're implying.

Bertha: Oh, come on, Mr. Major, that was my best bit of poetry yet. Mertha would be so proud of me, she rather enjoys poetry.

Jana: I rather like poetry too, but that's besides the point. Anyway, I'm going to skip the part where Scott and Cleo collect Pris' taglocks because that's going to spoil some stuff that's been happening to her.

Joey: You don't say!

Tiff: Joey, I'm curious about what happened, but please don't blab.

Joey: I don't blab, Sausage is the gossipy one.

Scott: You know, eventually we're going to have to find out the story about this Sausage fellow.

Jana: Maybe some other time I'll have you react to him and his friends, but not now. And that's just a 'maybe'! (The screen showed the clip of Cleo harvesting all that wheat from her farmer's staff.)

Shelby: Yikes, that is a lot of wheat.

Eloise: Okay, you're definitely the richest witch on the server.

Tiff: Why did I never get one of those staffs?!

Cleo: You didn't have one?

Tiff: No, I didn't. I had to keep farming melons.

Cleo: Well, you can have my farmer's staff now. I won't need it anymore.

Tiff: Thank you! Wait, why don't you need it anymore?

Jana: That's a long story that will spoil Cleo's ending. Anyway, let's move on. (The screen then showed Cleo's works in hex casting and making amethyst exploders.)

Shelby: Even with you explaining it again, Cleo, hex casting seems even more complicated.

Cleo: It's just a mathematical branch of magic that requires some memorizing.

Scott: It's probably just as complicated as curses, because to be honest, it's just a bunch of recipes thrown into a pot.

Joey: Now that I think about it, you're right!

Lauren: Yeah, well, some of us have some problems memorizing.

Shelby: And some of us have memory issues.

Pris: You don't say.

Jana: Anyway, now for her dungeon. (The screen played the clip of the dungeon that Cleo and Eloise went into.)

Tiff: Those amethyst exploders are really efficient, aren't they?

Eloise: They're a horror to make, but yeah.

Scott: Cleo gave me one as a gift. It's really powerful.

Jana: Anyway, Cleo doesn't have that much content, so now it's the time for what happened after the whole demon incident.

Bertha: Again, sorry for that, darlings.

Scott: No hard feelings, Bertha. (The screen showed the clip of Scott curing Cleo.)

Tiff: Oh. So that's what you meant by you won't need the staff anymore.

Bertha(Disbelieving.): You gave up your powers, darling?

Cleo: I was never really interested in my powers anyway, I just wanted to be human again. And now I am, thanks to Scott.

Scott: Now you're flattering me. Anyway, who's next?

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