Water Witch Prismarina

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Jana: Speaking of Prismarina, it's her turn.

Shelby: Oh, I'm last.

Pris: I honestly thought I had the most lore and content. (The clip of Pris accepting the witch trials played on screen.)

Lauren: What's your special reason for joining, Pris?

Pris: Well, I felt like I owed it to the supreme witch to follow in her footsteps of helping other witches.

Eloise: Why did you feel like you owed her again? The last time I asked, you gave me, uh... let's just say a very unsatisfactory answer.

Pris: I'm really sorry for that, El.

Scott: Well, why did you owe the supreme? (The screen played some clips of Prismarina's life before she became a witch, excluding the ones that involved her parents.) She saved your life?

Pris: Yeah, I was drowning one day and she helped me out of the water and gave me water powers so that it wouldn't happen again.

Joey: Aw, that's so sweet.

Bertha: Yes, Mary really was a nice girl.

Cleo: But what's this about an unsatisfactory answer, El?

Eloise: Well, it was on our date, and when I asked her... well...

Jana: I'll help explain. (The screen played the clip of Prismarina and Eloise's date.)

Bertha: Prismarina, I'm not sure if you know, but it's not nice to insult the person you're on a date with.

Pris: It wasn't on purpose.

Joey: That seemed pretty on purpose though.

Jana: She couldn't help it, she was being possessed by a demon.

Everyone: Wait, what?

Joey and Shelby: Xornoth?!

Jana: No, not Xornoth. (The screen played more clips of Prismarina being possessed, including the whole dungeon that Shelby and Pris went to.)

Tiff: You brought everything but a pickaxe.

Pris: I know, I was just so stressed!

Shelby(Kindly.): Well being possessed does that to you. I'd been possessed too, a long time ago.

Joey: Twice, actually. And me too, also twice.

Everyone: What?

Bertha: You two have very interesting lives.

Jana: Well we can discuss gossip later, Bertha.

Lauren: I thought you said the dungeon clip would only be shown when it's the winner's turn.

Jana: I'm showing it on Pris' side because it has a bit of her lore embedded in it, and also because Shelby's side is pretty clogged up.

Bertha: Now what do you mean by that?

Jana: You'll find out.

Shelby(Surprised.): Pris, you said all that while I was fighting?

Pris: It wasn't me, it was the demon.

Cleo: Didn't you hear?

Shelby: No, when you're the storm witch with storms following you everywhere your hearing gets kinda damaged.

Jana: Well now you know.

Scott: I'd really like to know the story behind that demon.

Jana: Well, to explain the demon, we first have to explain Pris' past... (The screen played the clips of Prismarina's parents.)

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