Nature Witch Tiffany

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Jana: You, Tiff.

Tiff: Okay. (The screen played the clip of Tiff being told by mother nature to go to the witch trials.)

Scott: You only went because the trees told you to?

Tiff: When the trees tell you to do things, you listen.

Bertha: You didn't have any special motive to join the trials that involves some sad backstory that all the witches here seemingly have?

Tiff(Confused.): Uh, no.

Shelby(Also confused.): Wait, does everyone here have a special reason to join?

Everyone: Yes.

Shelby: Oh. Um. I'm boring, I guess.

Jana: Don't say that Shelby, you've got plenty of interesting stories in your life.

Shelby: Well, now that you mention it...

Lauren: What interesting stories?

Jana: It's-

Scott: Don't say 'a long story'.

Jana: Then I won't. (Then the screen showed clips of Tiff doing lots of hard work to win the competition.)

Joey: Wow, you're a real tryhard, Tiff!

Tiff: When you're doing something you do it well.

Eloise: You're so hardworking.

Tiff: I guess. I've never really thought about it.

Joey: Too bad you didn't win, you would've been a great supreme.

Tiff: Thanks, Joey, but I was never fit for a leadership role. And too much responsibility really weighs on me. (Then the screen played some clips of Tiff over-analyzing her defeats and mistakes and what she would've changed.)

Bertha: You really over-analyze things, don't you?

Tiff: Well, I can't help but think about my mistakes.

Scott: But you tried your best, I mean look, you finished first in the loser's battle!

Tiff: Thanks, Scott.

Eloise: Sorry I beat you, I was trying to make the coven proud.

Tiff: Yeah, no hard feelings, El. (Then the screen played the clip of Tiff hearing voices around her portal.)

Shelby: Oh no, not you too!

Tiff: Wait, have you been hearing voices too?

Shelby: Yeah, I have a weird habit of always being haunted.

Everyone: Wait, what?

Shelby(Counting on her fingers.): Just recently there was this teleporting pig, and before that there was the ghost fog that kept leaving signs and playing c13 music discs all the time, and a thousand years ago it was a demon-

Joey: Oh, right! That. Completely normal.

Scott: Demon?

Bertha: Shelby here seems to have lived a full life.

Jana(Hurriedly.): It's a long story, and I can explain it later when it's Shelby's turn. And Shelby, Tiff's not being haunted.

Shelby: Oh good, being haunted is honestly a nightmare. (The screen played the clip of Tiff finding peace with the adventure she had gone on after the demon fight and going through the portal to Alfheim.)

Scott: Why is it every time something weird happens everyone blames me?

Cleo: To be honest, Scott, it usually is.

Scott: Fair point.

Bertha: Tiffany, darling, don't just go thorugh random portals just because you hear voices. In fact, you should probably stay away.

Tiff: Sorry, Bertha. It's just that I found out I really like adventures.

Bertha: Fair point, young ones are always up to something.

Shelby: I'm not that young.

Bertha(Dismissively.): Yes, yes, of course you aren't, darling.

Jana: Anyway, Tiff's not going to find any trouble in Alfheim. But anyhow, it's Joey's turn.

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