2 Sweet Tale

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Dear Lilibeth,

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Dear Lilibeth,

           you love Flowers, don't you?

To tell you This Old Story Sun Wukong has, it's like a timeless Beauty he can't let go of. how could he? he treasured this woman so much he treated her like his Queen.

Lilibeth is a special case, it's like a sudden click that he knew, this Woman should be treated In a Vintage way. a noble way of loving, he may be a sucker, but He found a way of Telling her his thoughts and feelings.


he has a saying. Letters for my Words,flowers for my Heart. Sounds stupid but his Lilibeth found it beautiful and poetic and in the end, he can't help but stick with that saying. Constantly Sending either short or long letters it doesn't matter. As long as he could send her his feelings and thoughts, and The Flowers he is on cloud nine.

how did he fall for such a lady in Blue Dress? owner of the fruit shop and the daughter of a grumpy old hag? (Lilibeth's mother)

let's say it's love at first sight.

he swore saying "No woman can make this King Go red!" But huh? who? what? it's like an instant clown shit cause look. he's completely Loving every second of this, not even Macaque could stop him but. the opposite is that the Shadow Monkey Became the Wingman.

really, he just feels bad watching Wukong Try to approach the Lady in a blue dress, but he fails miserably, if Guanyin could see this have mercy on him.

Macaque was the bridge between the two. he was against this at first but the king pleaded so in the end, he has no choice but to become the messenger. secretly Sending letters and putting them in noticeable places for Lilibeth to see.

"Did she find it?"

"Psh-of course dumbass I made sure she'll see it."

he could remember that he kept asking Macaque if the lady saw his letter. he would walk around in circles while biting on his fingers only then he'll calm down once Macaque told him that the letter was fine, or She saw it and it was all cool. At first, the letters he sends are short or Blunt.

Dear Lilibeth,

How are you?

Dear Lilibeth,

It's going to rain today, bring your umbrella, okay? :D

Dear Lilibeth,

I saw a Blue Bird today, Reminds me of you.

it's.... yeah, doesn't look like a letter, but he's Adjusting. slowly learning and trying to work his cogs out to write a decent letter for this Amazing Woman. He was struggling really, So Macaque came to the rescue.

"Bro This sounds shit" The shadow monkey Grimaced, Wukong slumping down in defeat "Look if you want to write a letter add some Flowers to it" He hummed.

"So Should I pluck one?"

"I mean Creativity idiot."

Macaque crossed his arms, looking at the king like he was the dumbest man he just met. "Look how about this" He grabbed the pen out of his hand.

So that's how It went. And for the rest of his letters, Wukong kept calling her My Dear Lilibeth It sounds even better than the usual Dear Lilibeth but thanks to Macaque I guess since the guy got some Gizz about these kinds of things.

so, on the second attempt, He tried his best again.

My Dear Lilibeth,

I saw that Your Mother keeps on throwing the letter thinking that maybe it's just a prank again and you'll have to pick it back in the trash.

maybe I should add Flowers so that she'll think I'm courting you. what do you think?

now this seems rather long unlike his last time. and he did stick to his words, asking Macaque to put at least one flower beside the letter so that the grumpy lady wouldn't throw it again. which by the way, worked! the old woman was Gasping and squealing saying that his Daughter Swooned a Man.

he's the man by the way.

so, the old lady early in the morning would open the windows hoping that maybe this Very secret admirer of his daughter would Place a letter on the table or beside the window. Wukong kind of Thanked the grumpy lady mentally since It made Macaque's Errands easier and less labor, unlike last time he needs to be sneaky and almost Alerted a bulldog and a Shiba Inu, those dogs almost caused him a heart attack but luckily, he was able to escape immediately before those two Could bite his ass off.

So far Sending letters to her isn't difficult, the shadow monkey even got used to such a task that he would pop out of nowhere asking if he was done writing so that he could take his nap again. Sometimes Wukong wonders if Mac has some crush on his Girl, but the Monkey just slaps him behind saying.

"You think I'm low as shit trying to steal your woman? As if idiot." Macaque Grumbled, snatching the letter and going on his delivery postman Task. Wukong hissed and rubbed his head, pouting.

typically, at first, Wukong sends letters in plain paper that would wrinkle or easily get ripped. so, he changed it using some paper in the celestial realm that he asked from Nezha so that maybe he could have some, of course, the guy rolled his eyes and gave him two sets of boxes just to stop him from Annoying him.

"Nice. you're putting Designs now?"

"What? it's called Improving Macaque! Also, I'm sure she'll love it!"

he didn't question it anymore, Letting the King do his thing and his job just to wait and send letters, easy peasy right?

"So, Macaque knows her too?"

"Lilibeth? Yeah! I mean he's the one that sends my letters back and forth" Wukong Snorted, smirking once he remembered Macaque coming back with muddy face and clothes, his eyes cursing the king tenfold. "He's acting like he hates the job, but I know him. he's enjoying it" He chuckled.

"You're a sucker writing a letter at first huh" Mk Smirked, his mentor rolling his eyes. For sure his handwriting too is bad but if Monkey King has been writing for so long, then that only means he has improved. even the way he moves his wrist with the Brush seems at ease and not even a smidge of Ink on his Sleeves is visible.

"She must be a pretty lady then."

"Oh, she is Mk."

He sighs, smiling just at the thought of his Dear Lilibeth. it's timeless, her beauty is Painted in his mind and just to prove it. he could tell Mk every single thing about her. from her hair to her Eyes.

My Dear Lilibeth

My Dear Lilibeth [SUN WUKONG] ☆COMPLETE☆Where stories live. Discover now