5 Old Recognizable Love

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Who says Love is easy? no, it wasn't

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Who says Love is easy? no, it wasn't. and Wukong knew he would be tested. Every morning he Flys up in the blue sky to just stare at the clouds or practice his sign language. although it's not perfect he understands a few things, but then again, he's not yet satisfied with it so he's always practicing if there's spare time.

his writing has also improved, which he didn't notice at first since he's just doing his business-like writing, Coloring, or searching around the mountain for a pretty flower or just snatching one in Nezha's Lotus Garden.

My Dear Lilibeth,

Watch your window from time to time, okay?

he was Grinning, although Lilibeth already knew his True form. he didn't want to visit her Only at night, but he wanted to see her every day. so, he had planned something that He hoped it work, it was early in the morning, He descended behind the alleyways and disguised himself in his human form. tall and Good-looking man of course he'll make his disguise eye-worthy for the Ladies. but sadly, it seems he's already smitten to the Beautiful Lady in blue.

Walking through the sidewalk, catching the eyes of men and women, indeed the hair of his human form is a bit too eye catching. whilst the tall Figure adds more Attractiveness making ladies whisper and look at him upside down. but then when their eyes looked down on his hand and saw a flower Bouquet they would immediately sigh in disappointment.

At least they know that this guy already has a Woman in mind. and amazing too.

He could remember that he almost got lost walking around, but soon he saw a Familiar Lady sweeping the dead leaves and Papers. his heart fluttered, unconsciously grinning ear to ear. the fruit shop was bustling with customers. since New Year's is around the corner.

My Dear Lilibeth,

My eyes don't Deceive me, my Love. amongst a thousand crowds My eyes are set on you.

Whatever the ladies or Men murmur amongst themselves, He was smiling. approaching her with a flower Bouquet in his hands. it's funny how confused she is seeing this stranger in front of her. Wukong can't blame the lady since she hasn't seen his human disguise but giving her the Flower, she hesitates at first. And that's when he Showed off his Sign language.

"it's okay it's me."

He chuckled, giving her face a gentle blow and showing her his letter. Lilibeth Looked at this man wide eye, to confirm if it was her Man, she reached out to his face even checking side to side if it was him and his eyes. That autumn leaves orb staring back at her "Gee how come you're still beautiful?" He Spoke, although She may not hear it. A blow of kisses he gave to her and smothered her with love. only through his actions he could show her his Faith and Affection to her.

"Aww She still recognized you?"

"Well Duh, She's Amazing!"

The king proudly Grinned, telling Mk his story that the boy can't help but giggle like a high-school girl. it's fun and listening to his mentor's love story feels like Listening to Tangs rambling about Some legends and stuff.

but this one is just too Giggly and Sugary for him to listen. like romance books that Mei reads and kicks her feet in the air. but then, lady Lilibeth being able to recognize Monkey King even with his disguise was something Mk found Cute and Sugary.

"How about Mac?"

"Hah? Oh, you mean that Dumbass? he laughed at my face."

His Mentor Deadpanned, remembering that Monkey Who laughed at him and even teased him to no end, he's like a leech trying to Kill the shit out of him in the most sufferable Way, and if Wukong would try to punch or catch him, Macaque is too Fast and would Dodge his fist just in time, sneakily Hiding in the darkness and beneath his shadows.

in the end, Wukong gives up and would leave the mountain just to avoid the shadow Monkey's wheezing and teasing.

One time, when there's a celebration going on and the whole city is bustling with people, Wukong has to hide behind the alleyways just because he hates crowds. I mean there are a lot of people, and he hates getting Squashed. so, by the time he entered Lilibeth's Shop, He didn't notice that he is not using his human disguise instead he is disguising himself as a little boy.

imagine the confused face Lilibeth gave him once she saw this blonde little boy giving her flowers, people would find it adorable and maybe it's just a kid's thing.

but she was laughing, And Wukong just realized that he was disguising himself as a little boy. which by the way he didn't notice.

but still, it's Impressive how Lilibeth still recognized him even with the change of disguise. She didn't even mind it but just laugh it off and find it funny, especially if his tail is poking out behind him and he was trying to Hide it with a red face.

ya know now that he remembers it how the fuck is his tail still visible even though his disguise is Fucking perfect?

wait is that how Lilibeth Know it's him?

sometimes he was able to hide his tail that's for sure. but anyway, scratching all of those Sudden thoughts inside his head, it's still funny how the ladies would try to flirt with him but being the faithful man he is he humbled himself in front of these women and proudly embraced his Girl like he just won a Lottery.

If Smitten was a Person maybe he's the physical embodiment of that.

he's not shy at all. Beaming a huge Grin and Giving her the warmest hug, she would accept such a random act and the two would twirl around the shop with no care at all.

man, Mk is just listening, yet he could feel diabetes flowing through his eardrums. maybe puking rainbows would be possible right now.

"Sometimes if I'm bored in the mountain, I would Help her run the fruit shop."

"But isn't her mom a grumpy old lady?"

"Pfft—yeah but Ya know me bud even without the disguise I'm Handsome and charming!" He grinned, Patting himself proudly. Mk just rolled his eyes "Yeah sure charming" He Smirked, but his mentor just Glared at him.

"Now that you said it. you helping her run the shop seems Weird. I thought you were all rowdy and Beating the Demons up?" Mk asked, glancing at his mentor the king Groaned.

"It's a fun experience but sometimes it humbles the shit out of me." He mumbled, but enough for the boy to hear it.

My Dear Lilibeth

My Dear Lilibeth [SUN WUKONG] ☆COMPLETE☆Where stories live. Discover now