Open on Eda's human collectibles stand in the market
King is jumping on the table, trying to grab a flag hanging above him while Y/N stands next to him.
KING: Weh!
King falls off the table, but Y/N catches him before he hits the ground and gently puts him down.
KING: Stupid flag!
Y/N patted King's head.
Y/N: There, there.
Luz walks in carrying a ladder and a wooden sign.
LUZ: It's been a little slow around here, but I've got just the thing to attract customers.
She puts the wooden sign on top of the "HUMAN COLLECTABLES" sign and taps it, activating the light glyphs carved into it.
Y/N: Something tells me Eda not going to be happy about this.
LUZ: Oh, come on Y/N, who doesn't like their name in lights?
The wooden sign is fully illuminated, and a winking face of Eda appears.
LUZ: Is it too subtle?
Y/N: For a wanted criminal - probably.
BOSCHA: Does subtle mean ugly?
Luz, King, and Y/N turn to see Boscha, Skara, and an Oracle track student standing at the stand.
Y/N: Oh boy, here we go.
Y/N decided to take out his book, cover his face with it, and read, not wanting to give Bosca the time of day.
LUZ: Hi, Boscha! Hexsidians! See anything you like?
BOSCHA: Ew! No. I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash sign.
Boscha summons her scroll and takes several pictures.
LUZ: It's not funny, Boscha.
BOSCHA: What are you going to do? Spit your human venom on me?
KING: You have venom? Quick, Luz, start melting faces!
Luz kneels.
LUZ: Even if I could, it's not worth it. You wouldn't understand how to handle teens like her.
King grabs Luz's hood.
KING: No, I'll show you what to do.
King grunts and jumps onto the table.
KING: You will tremble before me!
The three Hexside students stare at King
BOSCHA: Oh, he's so cute!
Boscha hugs King and summons her scroll, taking a picture with a filter.
KING: Weh!
King shoves Boscha's face.
BOSCHA: How much? I have to own him.
King frees himself.
KING: You couldn't afford me, sister!
KING: That's the incorrect reaction!
Eda's nose popped out of the tent and began sniffing.
KING: I smell an easy mark.
Eda jumps out of the tent.
EDA: Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from...

The Strange Adventures on the Boiling Isles (The Owl House x Male Reader)
FanfictionJoin the adventure of Y/N Strange, the son of Dr. Strange, and Luz as they embark with Eda and King in the Boiling Isles to learn about magic and the secrets hidden within this mystical place. 90% The Owl House. 10% Dr. Strange.