S02E08: Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door

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Open on the Owl House as Hooty uses the typewriter

HOOTY: Dearest Lulu, I hope this letter finds you well, and that you're enjoying your time with your parents. I'm writing to let you know, that I am a genius! Whenst I wrote you last, I was in the throes of a malaise. That's when I got your letter!

Flashback to Hooty reading Lilith's letter at night.

LILITH (NARRATE):  Hello, Hootsifer. Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Eda, King, and Y/N are off on adventures.

Hooty looks up to see his friends' silhouettes in Eda's room, Luz and Y/N leaving with King in Luz's arms before Eda leaves as well.

LILITH (NARRATE): But, Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn't a worthy purpose, then what is?

Hooty coos softly and enters the living room, where everyone is situated on the couches.

HOOTY: How we doin', Hoot House?

Y/N was staring down at a medium-size cauldron, without looking up at him or blinking. 

Y/N: Not now Hooty, can you see that I trying to spy on the Emperor's Coven? They're becoming bolder, and I need to know what they're up to.

Hooty made his way to Y/N and looked over Y/N's head. Hooty saw that the liquid inside the cauldron showed a couple of Emperor Coven Scouts just standing in front of a door. 

HOOTY: I don't think Lulu would appreciate her little chick spying. Besides, nothing looks suspicious to me.

Y/N keeps staring at the cauldron as he continues to talk to Hooty.

Y/N: Okay first off, don't get to call me that. Second, I'm only doing this so I can protect the people I care for. And third, this is much safer than breaking into Belos' castle. It's only a matter of time before one of them starts talking.

Y/N and Hooty stared at the cauldron for a few seconds. One of the scouts coughs while another one scratches its butt.

Y/N: Hmm. Maybe I should move somewhere else to get a different location of the castle.

Y/N cast a spell circle and the cauldron began to hover. Y/N stood up. He walks without setting his eyes off the cauldron, causing him to bump into the nightstand.

Y/N: Ow.

Without looking away, Y/N walks away. Hooty made his way to King.

HOOTY: How's my fellow demon doing?

KING: Can you keep it (His voice cracks) down? (Adjusts his voice) Down! (Does it again) Down! Why does this keep happening?

Hooty approaches King.

HOOTY: Sounds like our little demon is becoming a "de-man"!

King pushes Hooty away.

KING: Ugh! Why does that sound so wrong coming from (Voice cracks again) you? You!

King makes an unintelligible angry noise.

KING: I am done with this!

King runs off.

HOOTY: Hahaha! (To Eda) Those teens, eh? Their moods change like the wind.

Eda lowers the paper she's holding up, revealing the shadows under her eyes, which are being kept open with clothespins. Hooty's taken aback.

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