S01E10: Escape of the Palisman

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Open on a Slayground in the middle of Bonesborough 

Several baby-track Hexside students are there. A sign at the front gate reads "THE SLAYGROUND funded by the Bonesborough department of parks & wreck". Cut to a sign above a bench that reads "ALL BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS MUST BE LEASHED". Eda, Luz, and Y/N are sitting on a bench under the sign.

Luz was visibly nervous

LUZ:  What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? (Gasps) My parental instincts are freaking out, man.

Y/N: You worried too much Luz. He's a big boy.

EDA: He's fine. Look at him.

Cut to King trying to climb the slide.

LUZ: It does look like he's having fun.

King grunts

LUZ: Aw. I wonder what cute little game he's playing.

KING: Stand back, cretins.

He grunts as he reaches the top.

KING: Yes! Yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant. Bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow!

The kids share a look

KIDS: Okay.

One does a handstand while the other does a backbend.

KING: Yes, appease your master.

USURPER: This isn't for standing, it's for sliding. You try.

The usurper shoves King.

KING: Whoa, whoa!

King screams and grunts when he hits the ground

Y/N: It looks like the king of all demons has just been dethrone

KING: Eda!

King runs to his friends and clings to Luz's leg.

KING: That monster took my throne.

EDA: You mean the baby?

KING: No, the usurper. I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!

The usurper rides a spring rider.

USURPER: Kaboom!

Eda unscrews Owlbert from her staff.

EDA: Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old.

Owlbert hoots.

EDA: He's got better things to do. Like this...

Eda pets Owlbert, causing him to warble. 

LUZ: Aw, what a sweetie. How did you get him?

Y/N: Yeah. What's the story of this little guy?

EDA: Get? I made Owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree.

Owlbert hops onto Eda's hand and hoots.

EDA: Oh, he's my palisman and we're bonded for life.

Owlbert hops to Eda's shoulder, nuzzling her cheek.

EDA: I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him.

KING: Fine. Don't help. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone. (Laughs)

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