S02E05: Through the Looking Glass Ruins

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Open on Gus sitting in the hallways of Hexside, his head buried in his arms. Luz and Y/N walk up to him.

LUZ: Hey, Gus. You okay?

Y/N: We'll completely understand if you don't want to talk about it. 

GUS: I—I messed up bad, guys. Willow just needed help with this pixie problem, right? So I thought, oh, that I'll lure them away with an illusion. But then...

LUZ: That angered the pixies, and they attacked Willow. I heard.

Y/N: Poor Willow.

GUS: I moved up two grades. What's the point of being good at this if I can't do anything good with it?

LUZ: It was an honest mistake. Besides, Willow's tough as nails. I'm sure you'll both be feeling better tomorrow.

Y/N: A good night's sleep will do both of you good. 

Cut to Gus lying on the floor of his bedroom, presumably tomorrow. He groans.

The camera shows off Gus's bedroom. His crystal ball caws and beeps. It shows a prerecorded message from King.

KING (RECORDING): I'm not reading this.

GUS (RECORDING): Come on, King. Please?

KING (RECORDING): Ugh, fine.

King clears his throat.

KING (RECORDING): Is that a six-footed pig or a floating appendage? Why, no!

Gus, wearing a cape, hops on the screen.

KING (RECORDING): It's Gus the Illusion Master. Please leave a message.

The video turns to Willow, her arm in a cast and several bandages on her face.

WILLOW (RECORDING): Hey, Gus. Thanks for sending me all those "Get well soon" illusions but, uh... 

Three tiny illusions of Gus jump onto her shoulders and head.

ILLUSION GUS #1 (RECORD): Willow! How are you feeling? Do you have a fever?

ILUSSION GUS #2 (RECORD): Willow, you want me to sing for you? Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi...

ILLUSION GUS 3# (RECORD): Willow, is this helping?

WILLOW (RECORD): Can you please take them back?

Gus groans. The crystal ball shuts off. Gus rolls onto his stomach and traces a spell circle, summoning his illusions in front of him.

ILLUSION GUS #1: Where's Willow?

ILLUSION GUS #2: Why are we here?

ILLUSION GUS #3: Did we do bad?

Gus blows the illusions away. Someone knocks on a door. Cut to Gus opening the front door to find Luz and Y/N.

She raised her fist.

LUZ: Gustopher!

She points at him.

LUZ: Gusteban!

She leans on the doorframe. 

LUZ: Augustabeth! Any of those working for you?

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