Join the adventure of Y/N Strange, the son of Dr. Strange, and Luz as they embark with Eda and King in the Boiling Isles to learn about magic and the secrets hidden within this mystical place.
90% The Owl House. 10% Dr. Strange.
The episode opens with an exterior shot of the Owl House with a buzzing and beeping noise from the inside.
Cut to the inside of the Owl House
Luz's phone is buzzing and charging. Luz grabs her phone while still sleeping with King.
Luz gasps.
Luz sits up.
Cut to a close-up shot of Luz's phone saying "Event Reminder With Mami".
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Luz stares at her phone and then ignores the event reminder.
Cut to the doorway to the living room, with Eda peeking at the corner with King on her head.
KING: Uh, feelin' okay, Luz?
Luz was writing on a whiteboard while Y/N was on the couch, carving and crafting something.
LUZ: I feel great! Today's gonna be a productive day of problem-solving.
Luz grabs a scroll of a list and then shows it to Eda.
LUZ: Look!
Eda reads the list.
EDA: "Successfully build a portal to the Human Realm"? "Learn every glyph combination"? "Figure out what Belos is planning and show him what for"?
Luz digs through papers.
LUZ: Look. I've already learned a new combo. Excuse me, Francois. I call it the safety hover!
Luz grabs Francois from King and sticks a glyph combo onto its chest. She then throws it in the air, and it floats right before it hits the ground.
KING: Ooh! That'll work great when birds try to fly away with me.
LUZ: And I'm already on my way to building a second door.
Cut to Hooty trying to stabilize a wooden door taped to him, with a broom, a cinderblock, and a hammer near it. Hooty then sneezes, causing everything to come crashing down.
HOOTY: Achoo! Ow.
LUZ: Uh, it's a work in progress. But look at this!
Luz grabs a Scroll out of her pocket.
EDA: Did you steal my Penstagram?
Y/N continues carving and crafting without looking away.
Y/N (TO EDA): Should of had it password-protected like I did.