S01E13: The First Day

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Open on a dark backstage

 Luz activates a light glyph and holds it between her, Eda, and Y/N.

LUZ: I-I'm not ready for this Eda. Maybe we should go back.

EDA: Nah, kid, you got this. Just do what we practiced!

LUZ: But what if... What if I mess something up? Or what if I do something wrong? (Gasp) What if I die?

Y/N: Think positive thoughts, Luz. Remember to think positive thoughts.

EDA: Hey. Calm down, calm down. I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling. It's like a rite of passage. Granted, I was a little more skilled.

LUZ: Eda!

Y/N: Not helping.

EDA: Right, right. Sorry, sorry. (To Y/N) How about you go first so that Luz can calm her nerves? 

Y/N: Only if it's alright with Luz.

Luz nodded her head, feeling a little relief that she didn't have to go on stage now.

Y/N: Okay, then. Let me just get my materials.

Opening a portal, Y/N reaches into it, grabs a hammer and glass mug, then closes it.

EDA: What's with the hammer and mug?

Y/N: You'll just have to see and find out.

Y/N made his way to the stage, where Principal Bump was the only audience, holding a clipboard.

PRINCIPAL BUMP: Ah, we meet again, Mr. Strange. Against my better judgment, I've allowed you to take this exam into Hexside. But can you even do magic with all your... human parts?

Y/N: Does this answer your question?

Y/N swung the hammer at the mug, causing it to shatter into multiple pieces, with only the mug's handle intact around his hand.

PRINCIPAL BUMP: No, it does not.

Y/N put the hammer in his pocket and held out his free hand, which was emitting a green glow. The shattered glass pieces were surrounded by the same glow and started hovering towards the handle. The glass pieces began to put themself together like a jigsaw puzzle until the last piece was in place and the cracks began to disappear until the mug looked completely brand new.

PRINCIPAL BUMP: Well, this is surprising. A human that not only can use magic but also a time spell? Impressive, most impressive. 

Principal Bump writes down on his clipboard.

Y/N: That's not all.

Y/N created two small vertical portals: one next to him and only next to Principal Bump, surprising the headmaster. Y/N placed his hand that was holding the mug in the portal next to him, causing it to appear next to Principal Bump. Y/N shook his filled hand, gesturing to Principal Bump to take the mug, which he did, making Y/N retract his hand through the portals and close them.

PRINCIPAL BUMP: Teleportation magic? Very interesting. Is that all you'll be showing me today?

Y/N: Actually, I learned a new one just for this audition. Care for some apple blood?  The soft variety kind, of course.

With a snap of Y/N's finger, the glass begins to fill itself with the golden substance.

With a snap of Y/N's finger, the glass begins to fill itself with the golden substance

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