"Pretty who?" ... "you."

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Aleena POV: I smiled slightly at the maids and servants, bowing one by one in my direction. Some times I feel guilty for them..I mean they do work for my mother after all. I would say my father too however, he is a lot more manageable..he is the best. I continued to make my way up to my room whilst Rue followed one of the servants, John into the kitchen.

Bell: "Wait! Aleena will you please, pretty please allow me to pamper you?" -Bellamy pleaded with doe eyes, with her hands intertwined with one another as she walked with me to my bedroom door-
Ale: "Bella not right now." -I crossed my arms, turning around to face her-
Bell: "Mad at Mother?" -she questioned with a small smile leading her to place her hand on my shoulder-
Ale: "Yes..I jus-"
Bell: "It was not mother's idea, but father's" -she looked at me with concern as I gave her the same expression-
Ale: "Why? with out my concern."
Bell: "Mother's getting worse and Father is afraid that she would miss the day you choose your lover.."
Ale: "Ridiculous. How shall I find love within a day? Just another one of mother's excuses to push wealth upon me as if we do not have enough."
-I removed her hand off my shoulder and walked into my room shutting the door gently behind-

Bellamy POV: I rubbed my arm, turning my back to Aleena's door and made my way to my own room, greeted by the racks of pastel gowns and silk dresses dazzled in rubies and diamonds..my two best friends. My eyes were drawn to the unfinished dress I was designing for myself. Wait. The dress...I gasped rushing out of my room and bursted into Aleena's.

Ale: "Bella! What happened to mother saying not to rush?" -I  asked glaring at her-
Bell: "Oh how hypocritical of you my dear sister". -she scoffed seating her self on the other side of my bed-
Ale: "What is it?" -I sat up placing my book down on my vanity-
Bell: "I have a marvellous idea my dearest sister".
Ale: "Go on.."
Bell: "Since you so deeply believe that love cannot be found within a day..prove it to mother".
Ale: "And how exactly would I do that?"
Bell: "I have a petite dress that I am willing to alter into a sensual piece if you are willing to wear it on your birthday..on the day of the masquerade". -she smiles mischievously at me-
Ale: "For a shy girl like you Bella, you have quite the ideas".
Bell: "Well only for you pretty".
Ale: "Pretty who?..."
Bell: "You" -she hugged me, giggling softly-

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