"Confusion & Admiration"

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Asa's POV: I felt a heavy grip, rest against my shoulder, automatically leading me to swipe the unknown hand off of me.

Stranger: "I haven't come across you before I'm Josh!" *He said, shaking my hand accessibly, on the other hand I pulled my hand back swiping the sweat from his palm on his shoulder as I mocked him, griping onto him a lot more rough*
Asa: "And for I? Well I do not care". *I smirked quickly before returning the smirk back into a glare and walked off to the table of foolish men I watched, bringing along side me another glass of bourbon*

Gabriel: "Well fellows it seems we've got a new guest joining us". *He chuckled whilst the rest of the men muttered under their breath*
man 1: "How old are you?"
Gabriel: "Now, now let's not be rude, though I do have to say I am curious?" *he grins resting back in the chair clacking two chips in his hand*
Asa: "Boys don't you think it is a little rude to address your elders that way, mhm?" *I glanced, darting my eyes at each and everyone of them*
man 2: "Alrighty". *Gabriel chuckled, putting a cigar in between his lips*
Gabriel: "Now would you class yourself as a man of your word Mr..?"
Asa: "Asa. I'm a man of not many things but sure."
Gabriel: "There will be a stunning young lady, joining us later so how about you give us a grand opening for her?"
Man 2: "What do you say?"
Asa: "Pointless but alright."

10 minutes later~

Bellamy's POV: I was laughing with Tae and a few other people as my eyes landed back onto the guy I say earlier as well as a few days ago.. He was sat with Gabriel and his immature followers. My eyes watched, analysing the game they had been playing the guy was doing good but unfortunately not good enough, then again I can only say that since Gabriel is clearly hiding some of the chips under the table. Such a cheat.

Tae: "I think you've turned into sleeping beauty." *a slender finger pocked my cheek, as it turned out to be Tae's*
Bella: "if you say so Pinocchio." *I giggled standing up and walked off from him, causing him to stand up quickly following behind me*
Tae: "Are you insisting I'm a liar? Do I have a big nose?"
Bella: "Your nose is cute, you are just nosy".
Tae: "Perhaps I'm just intrigued in everything you do."
Bella: "Mhmm very nosy." *I pocked his cheek back and smiled at him*

Asa's POV: I had heard the chips, hitting against the floor. I snickered inside, insisting on acting clueless.

Asa: "Well then, I guess you have a talent."
Gabriel: "The game hasn't finished yet?" *I chucked the remaining chips onto the table, standing up and slid my hands back into my pockets*
Asa: "Gabriel, are you a man of your word?" *His eyebrows furred, judging my reply*
Gabriel: "I am but you clearly, are not."
Asa: "Oh I am, I will gladly embarrass this 'young lady' , however you are not yet to apologise for your evidential cheating. Though men of your class have to cheat their way to my status. So there for I appreciate the effort."

I walked off, gradually making my way to the other side of the ball room, through the hundreds of dancing people. I took off my hat, gently placing it on top of the head of the grand piano and sat down, my hands ready to glide against the keys before yet another familiar face reflected onto the piano. A pale face, swayed my eyes in a daze of confusion and admiration.
Asa: "Who and where did you appear before?" *I questioned to myself, knowing she could not hear me as she was stood too far to catch my whispers.

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