"Never, say never".

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Aleena POV: I reached home rather late, my pouch full of Shakespeare books. I crept slowly inside the house, walking up the large marble stairs gently. I stopped in my tracks looking back at all the dry mud crumbling off my dress as I knelt to clean it up I heard the mumbles of my parents.

Mother: "The young man from early he seemed rather familiar, don't you agree?"
Father: "He is the son of a close friend of mine, Alex Ide". -my father swayed a his glass of wine, sitting down in his chair, in the living room beside my mother-
Mother: "I see".

Aleena POV: I sighed quietly under my breath and continued to walk upstairs and went to bed.

Next day~

Bellamy POV: I jumped up from my bed, running towards Aleena's room.

Bell: "Rise and shineeee!" -Bellamy screamed plastering herself on top of me-
Ale: "Morningggggg! How is the dress so far Bell?"
Bell: "Speaking of the dress I need you to try it on right this second!"
Ale: "Okay, okay". -I stretched sitting up in my bed-
Bell: "Hurry, hurry!!" -Bellamy rushed me as she lifted the gown gently off the mannequin-
Ale: "I ammm". -I gathered the rim of my dress, clutching it in my hand as I allow Bellamy to slip the gown around my arm-
Ale: "I will be back". -Bellamy giggled, clapping her hands with excitement-
Bell: "oh good!"

10 minutes later~

Aleena's' POV: At last with this, bleeding dress, I huffed patting down the layers, not yet knowing how it looks. I slowly entered my sister's room once again, attempting to not fall over.

Ale: "I thought I was attending the ball not wearing it". -Bellamy turned in awe, her eyes twitching in disbelief-
Bell: "The dress..you- I was about to compliment you, however I believe the dress has out shined you" -Bellamy, bit her lip with expectance of me torturing her-
Ale: "You pardon?! you're lucky that I partly agree with you, though it is rather too enormous-
Bell: "Sister, enormous is the perfect entrance piece".
Ale: "Piece? You call this a piece? -I laughed in denial, shaking my head-
Bell: "I mean it is your birthday after all and Masquerade's are all about becoming the centrepiece not the side piece".
Ale: "You may have a point but I could never, wear such a thing Bellamy".
-Bellamy, rested a pin between her lips and knelt down in front of me pinning some areas that needed to be altered-
Bell: "Never, say never".

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