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Aleena's POV: I stared at him annoyed wondering how he ended up in my house. I was confused yet occupied with the thought of the 'pianist' I was so sure that he had went this way..he could not have possibly gotten far. This is a large house, he is bound to be somewhere. I sighed ready to turn back and head inside before feeling the guy clutch onto the hat, pulling me forward.

Ale: "What are you doing?!"
Asa: "Let go."
Ale: "Are you crazy, no!"
Asa: "Give it to me." *His voice rested in a deeply frustrated tone, I gulped pulling back harder on the hat*
Ale: "I said no!" *He pulled me once more, bending my arm behind my back. Something fell from within his palm, replacing his other hand on my wrist, still holding onto the edge of the hat. I felt my body collapse onto his chest. feeling and hearing his heart beating, my breath hinged. I looked down carefully looking at the thing he had dropped, not so longer ago, feeling my heel crack it. It was..black and silver..the mask. I gasped, loudly looking back at him as he moved his face closer to mine.

Asa: "Thank you." *He said clearly still annoyed as he snatched the hat out of my hand leaving me to struggle out from his grip before he let me go.
Walking away without saying another word.*

I gulped, my cheeks heating up as I watched his muscular figure disappear in the distance. I pulled up my dress, slowly walking back into the Ball greeting everyone as I attempted to pull myself back together. I looked around the ball searching for Bellamy, desperate to inform her of the sudden event.

Maid 1: "You seem to be in distress dear, is everything okay?"
Ale: "Y-Yes, have you seen Bellamy anywhere?"
Maid 2: "I last saw her with her friends and some gentle men I have not seen before." *I gulped, walking past the maid as my thoughts filled with unimaginable ideas*

What if this 'unknown' man Bellamy was talking to was him? 'Is he following me? I despise him...I hate him. I huffed finally finding Bellamy.

Ale: "I have been searching for you!"
Bell: "Really?"
Ale: "Yes really!!"
Bell: "Okay, calm down. This is my new friend Tae!" *She ignored me moving aside*
I met the eyes of the 'unknown' gentleman, he was quite the opposite of the other guy I had been stressing about, I was glad yet a little disappointed as I wanted to desperately torture the man who carelessly embarrassed me earlier in my own home.

Tae: "It is a pleasure to meet you, Aleena."
Ale: "As it is for me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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