"I highly...disagree."

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Aleena POV: I hugged Bellamy back and smiled at her.

Ale: "Well I am going to make myself look presentable, because if I cannot celebrate my birthday in peace on the actual day I was born I guess I will have to do so today".
Bell: "To the book store?"
Ale: "Always." -I grinned grabbing a towel, making my way to my bathroom to take a bath-
Bell: "Okay well I am going to sketch a new design for your scandalous dress". -she winked walking out my room-

20 minutes later~

Aleena POV: I finished bathing and grabbed my towel as I freshened myself up and dressed myself up in one of my favourite gowns. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, grabbing my pouch and placed on my boots as I rushed downstairs and outside the door to be greeted by my father who had just arrived home.

Ale: "FATHER!" -I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him rather tight-
Father: "My darling princess." -he joyed patting my back softly-
Ale: "How was work father?"
Father: "Splendid as always my princess, now how was your morning?"
Ale: "Could you be asking me this question for a certain reason father?..maybe because of mother". -Father pulled a funny face and swept me by his hand on my back and began walking onto the pathway-
Father: "Now do not be so hard on your mother dear, she loves you just as much as I love you". -I turned to frown at him whilst we walked-
Father: "Well actually no one can love you as much as I do my princess. But listen it is not your mother's fault".
Ale: "Father may you please stop defending mother for onc- EWW!" -I screamed feeling wet mud splatter against my face and into the corner of my eyes-

Father's POV: I covered my daughter's face with my arm as a horse kicked in fear, tempering me slightly as the young man barely tried to calm it down.

Father: "would you please tame your horse down at once young man!"

Aleena POV: I blinked several times trying to get the mud away from my eye with the cuffs of my sleeves, not paying attention to the horse neither the person riding it.

Young man: "Apologies Sir I'm not quite sure why Cornelius is reacting in such a way". -he apologised, patting the white male horse. Blankly staring at my father and at me-
Father: "Mhm. You look rather familiar".
Young man: "Asa Ide it is".
Father: "Alex Ide's son?"
Asa: "Yes..indeed".

Aleena POV: huffed stomping my feet towards the man on the horse

Ale: "I do not care who you are! But you will care if you do not apologise for the state you have put me through".
Father: "Calm down princess it is just a little mud".
Asa: "Sir it is fine, she has a point. Ma'am I do apologise for the..mess".
Ale: "I could have been blinded".
Asa: "Not quite." -he whispered under his breath as I rolled my eyes-
Father: "What a gentleman, do you not agree princess?"
Ale: "I highly...disagree". -I bowed sarcastically walking away-

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