"Intoxicating melody"

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Aleena's POV: I was finally ready to enter the ball, my hair now falling at shoulder length and my dress creeping under my heels.
{Aleena's outfit}

I sighed softly as the doors opened up to reveal people in colours of all kind yet no faces to been seen just lips and beards and for I was the same

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I sighed softly as the doors opened up to reveal people in colours of all kind yet no faces to been seen just lips and beards and for I was the same.

Mother: "Are you ready darling?" *Mother tapped my arm gently*
Ale: "Yes..I did not know you planned a pianist?"
Mother: "A what?" *I shook my head in fear watching the slender Guy raise his hands up in front of the keys*
Ale: "He is going to destroy my piano mother!"
Mother: "Now, now we can just buy you another."
Ale: "Mother I am serious."

I was busy arguing with my mother not realising the guests silence as a soft melody began playing from the man on the piano. His face was hidden behind his mask leading me to fall more curious to who laid behind it. I slowly stepped into the ball my heels clicking with the rhythm of the keys. My favourite song..I must have left the script up. His eyes trailed towards my dazed face as his fingers kept playing the intoxicating melody. I kept walking closer and closer to the centre of the ball, our eyes still fixated on each other. So unfamiliar yet..familiar.

Asa's POV: Her fair skin melted into the pallet of her dress. The feathers that hid her undying features fluttered against the light gush of wind that entered in with her. Her piercing orbs questioned me, slowly resting into a set of doe eyes that looked to have belonged to a Bambi of some sort. Elegant and fearsome, she struck me but not hard enough for I had turned back the second she had been swept up by him.

Aleena's POV: Gabriel appeared in my presence, averting my attention to his sudden hand that swept me into a twirl.

Ale: "Gabriel..??"
Gabe: "You look absolutely beautiful."
Ale: "Why thank you."
I hid my annoyance as I placed my hands in his, dancing to the remains of the melody. He was gone. But a piece of his character had pondered, sitting on the piano. I let go of Gabriel pushing past the crowd.
Gabe: "Aleena? Aleena!" *Clutching onto my dress for dear life I finally made my way to the piano as I swept up the hat in my hands*

Ale: "Where did he go?

Asa POV: I took another glass on my way out to the back garden on the house, looking around the fields of flowers and horses. I stood resting against the wall, sipping the cold liquor feeling my vision blur, before taking off the mask. A loud voice, muttered along with a pair of noisy heels.

Asa: "Could you be any louder?" *I shut my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose."
Ale: "Could you be less rude?!" *I turned to face the girl who I'd been in an incident with before..and the girl in white*
Asa: "Mhm."
Ale: "Oh. It is you, the rather miserable human."
Asa: "And the rather ridiculous lady."
Ale: "Whatever, have you seen a man wearing a black and slightly silver mask by any chance?"
*She questioning rubbing the edge of my hat with her thumb*

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