"...she was".

9 2 0

Asa POV: I twisted my figure half way, holding onto the reigns on Cornelius to see the young lady's dress covered in specks of mud. Is she seriously going out into the town in such a state? Does she have no shame?

Asa: "How old is your daughter Sir..?" -He pondered trying to recall my father's name without it even being mentioned-
Father: "It is Sir Montague".
-Father smiled proudly at the  man-
Asa: "Sir Montague..I see".
Father: "The fourth to be precise and my daughter, Aleena who you happened to meet in such an..unusual way is 21".
Asa: "Mhm. Interesting". -he hummed, unamused as he stared at my irritated expression, whilst my father pulled an awkward smile at the both of us-
Aleena: "Quit staring. And I am actually 22 in a matter of days so I would rather not have you questioning my age based on my appearance of which you caused. Now Father we have somewhere important to go".

Aleena POV: I stood beside my father lightly holding onto him. Forcing myself to avoid the glare of the man.

Father: "Excuse us, my daughter seems to be in such a rus-"
Mother: "Aleena?, Theodore and?"
-Mother furred her eyebrows walking up to us slowly-
Asa: "Sir Asa Ide, it is a pleasure to meet you ma'am". -he bowed, slowly getting down from his horse-
Mother: "Such a handsome gentleman". -Mother smiled, feeling a little flustered by his appearance-
Asa: "Thank you. I shall let you all be. I have somewhere to attend".
-He accepted the compliment carelessly-
Mother: "Well before you leave I would be delighted to have you join us on Monday for our grande Masquerade ball". -Mother bragged secretly, waving her fan-
Asa: "I apologise but I do not think I will be able to attend. I appreciate the invite, good bye".
Father: "No worries, take care".

Aleena POV: The man bowed once more, climbing back onto his horse and headed the opposite way. My parents smiled at one another and walked hand in hand towards our home whilst I took a turn with my distressed dress and my dry muddy hands towards the town feeling a sense of anxiety. Why was he so rude? What exactly is his problem??! I huffed stressing over the new face I had just come across.

Hours later~

Asa POV: Loud, messy and unattractive she was. A stubborn toddler in a young lady's body I would say, a total
mockery. I shall show her what real class is. I said to myself as I looked upon the mirror, undoing my tie with my two fingers, feeling the warmth of the fireplace.

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