"Left curious.."

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4 Hours later:

Bellamy's POV: I had completely finished getting dressed.
{Bellamy's outfit}

helping Mother greet the guest as Aleena had yet to be seen per usual

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helping Mother greet the guest as Aleena had yet to be seen per usual. I bowed back at the guests, some being royal, of class, family, friends and colleagues of my father.

Bella: "Greetings, Greetings to you too. *I smiled, hiding my irritation of repeating the same words over and over again*
Stranger: "Hello."
Bella: "Hello to you too.."

Bellamy's POV: My eyes wandered up from a set of shiny black shoes to a set of slightly muscular arms hidden under a white thrilled, sleeved shirt to then a face of what I thought was a statue, he was utter perfection.
{Tae's outfit}

He giggled slightly, revealing an adorable smile as he creeped his hand on one of the servants tray, swaying two glasses of champagne, offering me one

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He giggled slightly, revealing an adorable smile as he creeped his hand on one of the servants tray, swaying two glasses of champagne, offering me one.
Tae: "I'm Tae, and you must be Aleena?" *I shuck my head in embarrassment, shyly accepting the glass*
Bella: "No, actually I am her younger sister, Bell.."
Tae: "Like the princess or the fairy?"
*I laughed sarcastically, gradually making my way towards the ball room with him*
Bella: "Very funny."
Tae: "No but seriously you seem like someone filled with both beauty and talent."
Bella: "I am my own personal designer actually."
Tae: "I see, so Bell the designer." *He smiled more, slightly blushing as he took a sip of his champagne*
Belle: "And I assume you are Tae the violinist?" *I said sarcastically, copying him*
Tae: "Yes, yes I am." *I gasped softly*

Asa's POV: I layed, resting my lazed arms behind my head, staring at the patterns swirling on my ceiling as my parents ranted to one another arguing about a 'masquerade ball' pointless as usual. My thoughts trailed off, as I glanced towards the sachet splashed in cemented dirt caused b-

A-Mother: "ASA!"

Asa's POV: My body lifelessly levitated, my hands running through my hair as I jog downstairs to my father's study room. Both my parents silently judged one another glancing back at me.

Asa: "Yes?" *I questioning resting my body against the door frame, sliding my hands into my pockets*
A-Mother: "Me and your father were discussing an event we are no longer willing to attend."
Asa: "So?"
A-Father: "So, me and your mother are having you attend as a..um apology I guess."
Asa: "I am busy." *I shrug glancing carelessly at both of my parents*
A-Father: "You don't have to stay long, greet the Montagu's and simply leave afterwards."
A-Mother: "Please dear."
Asa: "I'll be back."

Asa POV: I turned my back, closing my father's door behind me gently and headed outside to fetch Eugene.

30 Minutes later~
{Asa's outfit}

I had finally arrived, wrapping Eugene's leash against a near tree and patterned my self down, walking straight through a set of grand doors, accepting the shot of bourbon offered by the servant and swallowed it with ease

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I had finally arrived, wrapping Eugene's leash against a near tree and patterned my self down, walking straight through a set of grand doors, accepting the shot of bourbon offered by the servant and swallowed it with ease. My eyes trailed off to a group of bliss men, chuckling and criticising the looks of young ladies. My eyes met with a young lady, in white and black, she smiled at me almost as if she knew me. Possibly a Montagu? I thought, yet I was left curious.

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