"Extremely dramatic"

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Aleena's POV: today is finally my birthday, yet I'm not sure if the butterflies in my stomach have awaken due to joy or hatred to the idea that the BALL is also TODAY.

Mother: "Girlssss!" *Mother sang, clapping her hands as her heels clicked, echoing through out the house*

Aleena's POV: I huffed, stretching my legs, as my skin grazed against the silk of my covers, and finally got up. I made my way into Bellamy's room assuming her to be yet asleep, however I was met with a set of two overly stunning dresses, yet no Bella.

Ale:" Wow.." *Bellamy entered her room, her mouth stuffed with a raspberry scone*
Bella: "You frightened me Aleena, gosh." *She said, holding her hand on her chest as the little crumbs trinklied down onto her night gown*
Aleena: "The dresses look stunning." *Bellamy grinned, swaying the hem of her night gown as she made her way besides the dresses*
Bella: " I know! I had to add a few last touches in order to perfect them"
Ale: "I can very much see that".
Bella: "Well thank yo- *She was interrupted as a knock had been heard from out side her door*
Maid 1: "Ladies, may I enter please?"
Bella: "Yes of course." *The maid entered, taking her bows*
Ale: "Good morning."
Maid 1: "Good morning dear, your mother has informed me that she would like for the both of you to be pampered, as preparations for the ball are almost complete. To add Miss Aleena your mother has arranged for your hair to be cut, that is all." *The maid bowed once more, before exiting the room, leaving both me and Bellamy stunned*
Bella: "I cannot wait I need to get in the bath immediately!!"
Ale: "My hair cut..?"

Aleena POV: I huffed, rushed out of her room and made my way down the stairs, searching for my mother only to be greeted by her bossing the servants and maids around, informing them how and what needs to be done.

Mother: "I would like those candles to be set alight out in front, near the entrance."
Servant 1: "Yes Ma'am."
Mother: "Are all the silverware placed exactly in the right position?"
Maid 2: "Yes Ma'am they are."
Mother: "And what about the tables in the ball roo-
Ale: "Mother, why exactly have you insisted on having my hair cut?"
Mother: "Well...I think you would look splendid with rather short hair."
Mother: "Is it because you know i would refuse having my hair styled?"
Mother: "Mhm, well if you are going to have your hair out and all, untidy it at least make it short so it looks some what better"
Ale: "Mother you are extremely dramatic."
Mother: "Well if I was not as dramatic then I would not have raised you to be such a beautiful young woman." *Mother smiled softly, caressing my cheek before patting my head*
Mother: "Now please go and get prepared for the ball, love you."
Ale: "Love you too."
Aleena's POV: I rolled my eyes as I turned my back from her and proceeded to head back to my room.

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