Part 4

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-y/n's POV-

"Hun what if something happens, you won't have Kay or I to help!"

I had started talking to my mom about my "work trip." 

"It'll be alright mom! I'm not a little girl anymore, and my boss will be with us the whole time!"

"You know what, you're right, I'm being a worry wart. It's about time you get out into the world and learn some independence. I can't have a 40 year old y/n living in my basement." 

"Thanks mom! I'll pack tonight and we are leaving tomorrow as soon as we can." I gave her a hug and rushed giddily back to my bedroom to tell Grian the good news. 

"Griannn!" I whispered, dragging out the "N." He's sitting in a chair just playing with his sweater sleeve, 

"It's a go!" I say a little louder now that the door is closed. His face lights up, I can only imagine how lonely his travels must get. 

"Cool!" He replies, trying to sound non-chalant about it but failing. 

I head over to my dresser to pack the basic necessities.

"what kind of things do I need to bring Grian?" I inquire. 

"Really just clothes and maybe something to do, toothbrush and such as well." Just basic items, I can do that. After finishing doing up the strap of my messenger bag it's about time for bed, I assume I'm going to need lots of rest. 

"Well I'm gonna head to the couch, if you need anything just quietly make your way out to ask." 

"Wait what do you mean? This is your bed, I can't take it." He said. 

"Well you're still injured, you need a good rest, and if you slept on the couch my mom would definitely find you there." 

"W-well I could just sleep here with you if that's alright with you, we could put like a pillow barrier." He stuttered obviously extremely nervous. I agreed and got into bed putting some pillows beside me.

-Grian's POV-

I sat on the mattress, I really would have been fine with the floor but y/n seemed so insistent on me have a comfortable sleep. It seemed like she had already fallen asleep, she looked so peaceful. I smiled to myself, and pushed a lock of y/h/c hair out of her face and whispered, 

"sleep well, we've got a big day tomorrow." After that I laid down and let the land of sleep take me.

-y/n's POV-

I woke up to the sun shining in my face, my blankets felt unusually soft. I rubbed my eyes and it saw that it wasn't my blanket at all! Grians wings had just completely obliterated the pillow barrier in his sleep and the feathered limbs were wrapped around me so I couldn't leave! I immediately felt my face go hot and got extremely flustered, as I couldn't leave my spot I just listened to his rhythmic breathing for a while until he twitched and woke up groggily. 

"OH! uhm I'm so sorry my wings just have a mind of their own!" He exclaimed jumping out of the bed with a beet red face, his wings ruffled. That was probably a nervous response for avians. 

"So are you ready to go?" He asked, trying to regain composure. 

"Yup just have to say goodbye to my mom and brother and then I'm ready." I replied, already walking towards the door. I head over to the kitchen, it was early enough that they both should still be home before work. I spot Kay and immediately bring him into a bear hug, I didn't tell him that I was going with Grian but he must've put two and two together seeing as the timing was extremely convenient to be going on a work trip. Kay whispered in my ear while my arms were still around him, 

"If anything happens to you I'll search every faction to find that bird boy." I just giggled and punched his arm before turning right around to give my mother a hug. 

"I'll definitely miss you but it's only for a a few months, I'll be right here when you get back hun. I love you." She said softly, in my embrace. My eyes started to tear up a bit, I'd never been away from my family for that long but I've got to be strong, I don't want to look like burden to Grian. 

"Alright well I've got to meet my boss and the others now so love you both! I'll see you in a few months!" I kissed my mom's cheek, grabbed my messenger bag from the hook in the hallway and walked out the door.

-Grian's POV-

y/n walked out of the door, she had tears in her eyes and looked like she was on the brink of breaking down, I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze as a comforting gesture. She turned a twinge of pink at that, it was really adorable how flustered she got at the slightest touch, I had barely spent any time with this girl and I could definitely list many of her mannerisms. 

"Alright so how long is the walk to our next stop?" She asked, interrupting my inner monologue. 

"Who said anything about walking?" I asked, trying my best to sound mysterious but instead just sounding like a teasing thirteen year old. A look of confusion and then horror came to her face as I lifted up my leather harness which she apparently hadn't noticed until now. 

"I'm flying with you? In that?" She asked terrified. 

"Yup, walking would take way too long and my legs aren't exactly built for walking all day, with the bird genes and all." I explained. I started strapping the harness to my torso and pulled her back right up to my chest to start fastening her in. Once I had finished I said 

"you ready?" She just gave me a nod and let out a little squeak, she probably wasn't able to let out intelligible noises out of fear. 

"Don't worry, after taking off for the first time it'll get fun!" I tried to reassure her before taking off. I started to flap my wings in large back and forth motions to get us off the ground, making sure to check that the harness was completely secured before getting too high. y/n's eyes were closed for the first bit while we were lifting off but as I got to a steady flight she opened them and let out a sigh of relief before beginning to point out her favourite places of the ocean faction. It really was nice to have company.


I have a feeling my sentences are kind of blunt but I hope it's not too bad :D

1121 words

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