Part 19

212 11 27

-y/n's POV-

I'd been in this burlap sack for how long? Minutes? Hours? Who can tell? I'd lost track of time long ago, the rhythmic steps, the only thing keeping me from going insane from the constant bickering between Cleo and Ren.

"Cleo how much longer, my precious footsies are starting to hurt!" Ren grumbled.

"Stop being a baby, we need to be tough when we get there." Cleo replied with an irritated huff. 

I rolled my eyes as they continued to call each other more and more names, meanwhile my own body was taking a hit from being crunched up in a sack.

"Hate to crash the hate-fest, but can I be let out of this bag soon? My bones have been folded in half." I grumbled out to my captors. 

"Yeah yeah, shut up girl." Ren responded, poking the sack.

"My name is y/n, you could at least say it." I growled back.

They didn't respond after that, just kept walking for what felt like forever.

-Grian's POV-

So far all I've learned is that Cleo and Ren were the ones that took y/n. Now, I could be wrong, but they've worked for the Watchers in the past, and I don't see any reason for them to have just taken her on their own accord, so it's time to search for where the Watchers are hiding out.

Usually the Watchers will pick a temporary base of operations to stay hidden while carrying out some agenda. They usually reside in the void but sinister plans can't happen unless in the material world so I think I've got to use my magic to sense where they could be.

Using the magic given to me by the watchers was a risky move, there was a reason that I didn't ever use it after I ran away. One watchers magic will alert any others in the area of their presence, so while it would be useful in finding them, they could also find me. I prefer the first outcome as y/n would most certainly not be taken with them and that would just be another obstacle in getting to her.

Now, there is another way of finding out their location. They came to the festival seeking y/n, knowing that she had been told about them, and where she would be. The only other person who has that information is Pearl. While I'm obviously pissed off that Pearl would sell her out, I know she had no choice, the watchers will do anything to get what they want, even torture one of their own kind.

I decided that I'll go to Pearl's, try to keep my composure and figure out where y/n is. So I spread my wings and quickly flew in the direction of the upside down boat dwelling.


Landing in front of Pearl's door I immediately noticed the purple glow in her windows, 

"Of course she's doing rituals at a time like this." I murmured under my breathe. 

I didn't bother to knock, just pushed open the door with a force reflective of my anger at the moment.

"PEARL!" I yelled, (so much for keeping my composure) angrily heading towards the curtain in front of her "magic room" or whatever it was.

I opened the door to be greeted with a completely transformed Pearl, floating cross legged in the middle of the room, winged eyes closed but still glowing.

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