Chapter 1 He's awake

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Sitting here again at work, with the same name that's been going through my mind ever since I was little! Barry Allen is his name! I've had feelings for him even before I knew what the word love meant. Do you even know the pain seeing the one you love not knowing if he is never going to wake up again?

It's been nine months of torture just seeing him lay there hopeless. I just wish he would wake up already! I just want to hear his is voice again, I want to have the chats we use to have!

"Get back to work, you can't just sit there all day" shouted Jimmy, my boss
I nod and start heading towards mine and Barry's lab.

Every time I walk in the lab I start tearing up because it reminds me of Barry so much. I put my phone down, trying to concentrate on my work but it's no use all I can think about is Barry. All these questions going though my head... Will he ever wake up? Will I ever see him again? Does he even like me back? Is he going to die?


My phone starts ringing, it's S.T.A.R.L.A.B.S...
"Hello" I start shaking
"Is this Jessica Webb"
"Yes it is" I walk over to take a sip of my coffee
"We have some good news for you" said Caitlin , "it's Barry... He's awake"
I drop my coffee in shock
"He's...he's...awake" tears were rolling down my face
"Yes and he's on his way to see you" said Caitlin very happily
The door slowly started to creak open, there he was the one I loved, the one I saw die over and over again
"Jess!" Barry said whiles walking into the lab
"It''s really you..." I said crying my eyes out
I ran towards him, giving him the biggest hug ever. Barry hugged me back very tightly. I couldn't believe it was really him.
"I saw you die over and over again..." Barry started to wipe my tears from my face
"Shhhh I'm here now and never leaving your side again" Barry said very softly
I gave him another hug and smiled
I was wondering to my self is this the right time to tell him how I feel?

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