Control it

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"Control it Jessica" Barry stood in front of Caitlin
"Don't you think I'm trying!" I screamed

The ball of redness was still there and everyone shouting at me wasn't helping.

"Stop I think anger makes Jessicas powers work" Cisco said "like the time she was mad at Caitlin she punched the wall and she's mad with her again but even worst"
"Someone needs to calm her down" Caitlin suggested whiles grabbing on to Barrys arm, she knew that would pies me off.
"Shut up shut up shut up all of you" I felt my eyes lit up.
"Okay we are not helping, her eyes have turned red" Cisco said

I had a plan it was stupid but it might work.

"Everyone get out now!" I shouted
"What no!" Barry stepped forward
"Go, save Caitlin you love her!" I shouted which made me angrier
"Just go!!!!!" I screamed.

Barry picked Caitlin up and ran out with her. I looked down, it was still there. I lifted the red ball up with my hands. I threw it in front of me.


I went flying back into a wall. Everything went everywhere. Something went wrong.
I couldn't see i went all dizzy.

"Jess, Jess, what happened" someone was shaking me

My vision went back to normal.

"Cisco?" I put my hand on my head and I was bleeding
"Yeah its me hun" he helped me up.
"I tried to get rid of it and as you can tell it didn't work out well" I smiled
"Next time we will help" he touched my cut and I flinched

Barry and Caitlin walked in. Great...

"What happened Jess?" Barry said
"Lets just say things didn't work out too good" I smiled
"Like always you ruined it" Caitlin snapped
"Hey don't talk to her like that" Cisco raised his voice
"Excuse me?" Caitlin was shocked that Cisco stuck up for me.
"Cisco its fine" I grabbed his hand, he faced me.
"Jess your head its healed!" Cisco was shocked
"What?!" I felt my head and it didn't hurt me anymore
"You can heal fast?" Barry asked
"One way to find out, Barry hit me with lightning"
"No way it could kill you" Barry stepped back
"Just do it please I have nothing to live for anyway"
"Do it she deserves it" Caitlin smirked

I looked down and then looked back up. My eyes were red. All I had to do was thing about something that passed me off for example Caitlin. I kept thinking about it and the ball of redness came back.

"Jessica how did you do that?" Cisco asked
"I just thought of someone that made me mad" then I looked over to Barry and Caitlin.
"You ready" Barry asked
I nodded
"This might hurt... A lot"

Barry ran around me loads of times and then he struck me. The pain felt unreal, but i was still alive. The force was really strong and I went flying backwards (again) but Barry caught me before I fell.

"What have I done" Barry was holding me
My eyes opened and looked up at Barry.
"Nothing im fine" I smiled

Barry sat me up. I felt fine afterwards
"This means you can heal fast" Barry said
"Faster then Barry ever can" Cisco said smirking

Im becoming stronger, I found my trigger now I need to find out what calms me down.

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