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I don't know what to do, I still love Barry but I also like Cisco. Urgh life is pretty crap at the moment. I have powers I can't even control, I have no idea that I'm capable of. Why is life so difficult.

Barry said he would help me find out what my powers are and how to control them. We were at the old runway the one where Barry told me he had powers.

"Okay first step feel the power, you control the power, the power does not control you" Barry said watching me.

I nodded. I felt my eyes light up. The energy rushed through me. I put my hand out in front of me and threw the red ball from my hands to the target. I got the target but it sent me flying onto the ground

"Ow" I said holding my head.
"Jess are you okay?" Cisco said through the ear piece.
"I'm fine!" I said holding my ear.

I was lying. When I went flying I bashed my head and it was bleeding. Some glass went in my leg but I'm fine... Kinda. I can heal no need to worry.

I got back up.

"Okay now try on a real target" Barry stood in front of me.
"What no way" I said walking away limping.
"You need to see if you can hit a real target, plus I heal fast"
"Fine!" I flinched as I turned around.
"Are you okay" Barry said looking worried.
"Yeah... I'm fine" I smiled. "Let's just get this over with"

Barry looked down and saw my leg. He just looked shocked. I looked down and it was bleeding badly.

Barry didn't say anything and went in front of me. He started running towards me, as he came closer, I shot at him and it missed... What a surprise. I tried to hit him for the  last time, I got all my power and threw it. It hit him , we both went flying backwards. He hit the ground and got up looking fine. I pulled glass out of my leg and acted like nothing happened, I hate it when people fuse about me.

"Nice Jess, we will practice more tomorrow" Barry said looking impressed.

"Jessica Webb you have some great powers..." Someone was in my head.
"What, who's this" I said out loud, Barry turned around confused.
"Hope your leg heals, I'm the one who put that piece of glass there, I can already tell that your getting weaker."
"Get out of my head"
"Jess no ones here??" Barry grabbed on to me.
"Your powers will soon be mine... And there will be no Cisco no Barry to protect you this time, your dead" he started laughing
I put my hands over my ears. I look up and see someone in the distance smirking. My eyes went wide and Barry turned around.

"Barry he's in my head!!!" I shouted. Barry ran towards him
"Bye Jessica Webb we will meet again very soon, Barry's not even fast enough to catch me... Enjoy your last week alive"

Poof! He was gone just like that.

I fell on my knees and started crying. This is happening all over again, I'm going to die again!

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