Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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Just gonna put it here, the two people Adam lost, BTW, I make a lot of mistakes at Reynold. He's a guy alright.

Note:This story also involve some Tcf since this is a fanfiction, but the story is about the mc

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This story also involve some Tcf since this is a fanfiction, but the story is about the mc.
Most explanation of things involve in here are in my first ff story.

Humans and hybrids are common in this world.

Hybrids are like, half human and half cat, or possibly, half-wolf and half-eagle.
Any hybrids in this world are possible due to the huge amount of blessings the world receive from the gods.

This world is one of the chosen in all universes to have a Pillar of their own.

Pillars are only consist of those who are the odd of the world, or have receive the supports and blessings from the gods since birth.

And this story is about one of those Pillars...


A hybrid of 2 different kinds, like half-human half-cat, are very common to find. There's also a possibility of a hybrid of 3 or 4, but are rare to find.

As for a hybrid of 5 or above... Are just a legend, but they actually does exist. Not many know since only Pillars are this kind of hybrids.

A hybrid of 5 or above usually would live in luxury or full of things they could've wanted all around the world.

Atleast, that's what people think.


"Move it brat! A perfect doll shouldn't be this slow!"

There's one unfortunate hybrid of 6 in a kingdom that are full of crimes.

A child, who was still 7 years old, but was treated like a mere toy.

That child, Adam, look at his father, the person he call 'master', with his empty eyes in silence.
This action only cause him to receive another kick to his stomach.

"Don't look at me like that! Get up and entertain the guest!"
"Yes master."

He slowly get up and walk onto the stage. To restrict him from rebelling and run away, a collar that could seal his power was putted around his neck, and his limbs are restricted by shackles.

He doesn't care about it anymore. He already gotten used to this life since the moment he could stand and think.

'Probably when I was 2 or 3. I'm a hybrid of 6 afterall.'

Adam could feel the audience looking straight at him with their intense gazes, but he wasn't even bother by it and look around.

He spotted something in the corner and his eyes widen.
A small figure, hiding behind that curtain. He knows who it is, but he couldn't do whatever he want at this moment.

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