Chapter 4: A Companion?

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I just realised I last updated 2 months ago. So sorry.

TvT please forgive me, it's Ramadhan. 💖


2 years...

Exactly 2 years had pass by so quickly with the children growing closer together.

Now, most of them are atleast 7-9 years old.

9 years old squad: Adam, Xaviour, Killian, Lena

8 years old squad: Marina, Evan, Nila

7 years old squad: Nela, Reynold, Xena.

As they grow, Adam and Reynold, including their grandparents, had done their best to keep it hidden from the parents that they're sneaking out and have friends.

Instead of befriending noble children that have benefits for their household.

Adam life is still like usual, having to work all day and rest once in a while.

He was finally recruited as an official assasin in the underworld.

The top Assasin Guild, where every assasin that works like mercenary, had always been the most brutal one in their way of killing.

And Adam was ranked 10th out of hundreds of candidates.

It is due to how compatible he is with the life of an assasin.

He is indeed brutal and ruthless, as he was trained to not know mercy ever since he could remember.

But due to his brother and friends, he started to change little by little.

Though the changes were subtle, his brother and grandparents noticed it.

His day seem a bit brighter now in his grandparents eyes.

They just hope his life will get better with his friends and brother by his side.



"Reynold, that bird just make a sound."

"Yes brother. It's a bird after all!"

"I thought it's a doll."

"... Why did you think the bird is a doll?"

"Because it didn't move or chirp when I tap it."

'I think it's just scared of you.'

Reynold didn't said that and only keep silent about it.

Knowing the reason, he just felt guilty to tell his brother that his aura was leaking sometimes, and it scares the others.

Well, only 'normal' people he guess...

"Hey emo boy! Let's go swimming in that lake!"

"That lake is poisonous."

"Yes, so let's go swim!"

"Are you suicidal?"

'Brother Xaviour might be the only one that could be this bold with brother...'

Reynold was a little worried truthfully.

Xaviour is a rough kid and could be very rude and harsh without realising it.

And... Also dumb. Of course he's still smart in some way.

While there's also another trouble...

"Hey kid, you're in charge of lunch today."

"Aren't we around the same age..?"

"Uh... I mean hey- buddy-"

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