Chapter 2: The First Encounter (2)

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It's weird...

Very weird....

Adam felt as if today was going to be very different than usual. He would need to wait until the guards came to 'wake' him up.

He just wait in that small cell. Wait for seconds... Minutes... And hours pass.

He doesn't know why, but he would have this tendency to not be able to sleep at all starting from 3 am until 9 pm. Once he's not needed anymore, he would instantly put to sleep either by his choice or by sedative the guards gave him.




A flying dagger had definitely flew toward him from behind the bars, but Adam avoid it without even batting an eye.

He move to the side a little and notice the dagger is stuck to the wall, unlike usual where it would just hit the wall and flung back to the floor.

He would always thought that the one who threw the dagger was weak considering how it just flung back to the back after hitting a wall.

'But this time, it's different. It's a different person.'

His gaze slowly shift to the owner of the dagger, who seem to be grumbling in dissatisfaction.

"Damn it! Why the hell did you dodge?! It was suppose to hit you!"

"Unfortunately, your throwing is sucks even if it's a strong one. Not good enough."

"Shut up brat!"

The guard, who seem to be actually an assasin, kick the iron bars harshly. Making a loud noise to intimidate and scare Adam.

Adam doesn't understand the gesture and just stare at him as if he's an idiot.

"You can't destroy an iron with a kick. If you're not strong enough that is."

"Aaaah!! Fuck this! Just shut up!"

The assasin got even more frustrated and throw another dagger, but didn't hit Adam at all. It missed the target and hit the wall again.

Adam stare at the dagger before looking at the assasin in disappointment while sighing.
Causing the assasin to be more angry and order the guards to unlock the gate.



"This piece of- just why won't you die?!"

The assasin shout in anger as he kick Adam yet again to the wall harshly. He was getting more and more frustrated that Adam didn't even show any sign of being in pain.

He just looks... Empty. As if he didn't know what he's feeling.

The assasin guy grab the sword from the guard before stabbing Adam in the leg, yet Adam didn't show any kind of reaction at all.

"What are you? A soulless doll? Grunt in pain or something! Beg and plead me stop hitting you!"



The assasin finally stop after slapping Adam's face and break his arm.



All the amusement and anger from before quickly turn to horror and fear as his face paled from the sight infront of him.

He didn't realise he had gone too far, to the point Adam look like a broken porcelain doll. The guards were also terrified as they take a step back, hands on their swords.

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