Chapter 5: A Companion..? (2)

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Ngl, I kinda get busier these days.

But thank you for reading this bad novel like thing I'm writing.

TvT i honestly didn't learn how to make a novel.


After that wedding roleplay(?), Adam went back to his usual routine.

Though his life is more annoying now with this kid name Arjen who kept coming and bothering him.

His mission was still successful despite the annoyance.

He also was wondering how his "parents" didn't notice his disappearance from his cell.

But he doesn't bother to know what they're doing or thinking these days.

He was just happy that he could spend his free time sneaking out and play with his brother and friends.

'Wait, happy...?'

He was baffled for a moment, looking lost while sitting in his cell.

Adam had never expected he would actually feel... Happy.

Yes, he realise it.

He always felt happy while hanging out with them even if he didn't show it.

That's right. Ever since Reynold introduced his friends to him, he had been learning a lot of unnecessary things such as emotions and socialising.

Not that he dislike it. He had never dislike it, he just felt it was all... Useless.

Dreaming to be human, wishing he could live normally like others...

He had always thought that wanting anything in his life was useless.

11 years, and the first friends he made was with the help of his brother.

-tang! Tang!

He was lost in his thoughts but instantly snap out of it when he heard something knocking his cell bars.

There he is. That annoying 'companion' of his.

"What do you need?"

"Some company."

Hah. That smile of his was so irritating. Adam couldn't help but scoffed at it.

"Find some else. I'm not the type that hang out with people."

"Oh? But you don't mind hanging out with those kids?"


The chains restricting Adam stopped him from moving toward the metal bars once he move.

His pupils turn sharp as he glare at Arjen menacingly.

His sharp fangs making a chilly sound as he gritted his teeth.

" Showing your anger now?"

"How did you find out?"


Arjen make a mocking face abd sneer at the pitiful little 'beast' who's currently restricted.

"Of course I watched you."

"Nonsense. I didn't sense you at all. I usually can sense you even if you use ancient magic. ."

"Artifacts and runes exist my friend."

Now, he's just annoying him on purpose.

Of course he know those things existed, but the price was so expensive to the point of selling two or three of your organs or body parts won't be enough.

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