Chapter 2 - Power

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After Caesar was done with the paperwork he left the mansion to Yuri and left the place and went to the territory of the former Dragon King, now devil, Meteor Dragon Tannin. He flew there using his wings and found the Dragon standing on a tall rock formation near the dragon mountain.

The dragon kept his eyes on his as he flew and hovered a few metres away from his face.

"You're on time." Caesar said with a smile.

"And you are on time as well. I believe you are done with your clan matters?" Tannin said to him calmly.

"Yeah. The paperwork was a bitch to complete." Caesar said to him with a sigh.

"I can imagine. Thankfully I have no need to do that." Tannin said to him with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't think any devil would tell a Dragon King to do paperwork." Caesar said with a chuckle.

"I'm no longer a Dragon King remember." Tannin said to him.

"You're still the Dragon King to me and a few others. You became a devil to get the fruit for the dragon's, as far as I'm concerned you are worthy of being called a king." Caesar said to him with a smile.

"If that's what you wish them I won't say anything else. So, shall we begin?" Tannin said to him with a shrug before becoming serious.

"Of course." Caesar said to him as he stretched a bit.

Tannin nodded to him before he made a magic circle under him. Caesar also flew into the range of the magic circle before it enveloped them and they disappeared from there.

The two of them then appeared in another mountain area, but the difference was that the sky of this place was a rainbow colour instead of the usual red of the underworld, signifying it as a pocket dimension.

"It's a good pocket dimension Tannin." Caesar said as he looked at the dragon.

"Of course. I have trained much to learn to use such a spell. It will definitely aid me in the future." Tannin said to him with a nod.

"So, you should be as strong as one of the Four Great Satan's correct." Caesar said as his yellow demonic power started to surround him.

"Yes. Though if we're talking about Lucifer and Beelzebub, then they are considerably more powerful. They aren't called super devil's for fun." Tannin said to him as he gathered fire in his mouth.

"Alright then, let's start." Caesar said as he got ready.

"Don't die." Tannin said before he shot the fire in his mouth in a concentrated attack which was like a beam.

Caesar immediately dashed out of the way as the fire passed over the ground. But it was more than enough to melt the ground a great deal from the power and heat of the flames.

Tannin immediately sent a punch upwards as it connected with Caesar's fist which created winds which knocked them away as Tannin crushed the ground while Caesar was sent into the sky. But in that brief moment Tannin immediately appeared beside him and smacked him with his tail as Caesar used a magic shield to block it.

The force behind the attack sent it back but he stopped himself before shooting forward and then gave an axe kick to Tannin which the dragon blocked using its left arm. The dragon then punched him but he retaliated by dodging it and shot flames at the dragon.

"Using fire against me, the Blazing Meteor Dragon. You certainly haven't changed Caesar." Tannin said as he was fine from the attack.

"Come on, it will take more than a year for me to change." Caesar said with a smile as he flew into the sky.

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