Chapter 15. Training the Former Nun

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"Haah... Haah... Haah..." Asia panted as she was on all fours on the grassy ground with a slight blush on her face.

"That was good. For someone doing this for the first time you're pretty quick." Caesar said to her with a smile on his face.

"It was thanks to Caesar." Asia said as sweat drops were rolling down her face.

"We still have more time. Come on get up." Caesar said to her as he pulled her up.

"W-Wait, I need to rest before starting again." Asia said as she panted a bit.

"Really? I can't just heal the exhaustion away so we can start again but you need to get used to the feeling so you can deal with it understand." Caesar said to her with a smile.

"Y-Yes. Thank you." Asia said as she leaned on him as he smiled.

Caesar just smiled at her as he looked at her heaving and panting form as he saw her chest heaving up and down.

'It is still small right now but soon it will be big enough to take my dick in.' Caesar thought to himself pervertedly.

'Are these two really training?' Yuri thought to herself as she looked at the two.

Indeed, contrary to how their talk is Asia and Caesar are currently training. After giving Asia a lavish lunch he was training her in the use of demonic energy and her sacred gear. Of course for her to use her sacred gear she needed someone to be hurt, which Caesar was willing to do. Both of them were wearing track suits since it is much easier.

The training includes Asia attacking him with Demonic energy and then healing the damage using Twilight Healing. At first she was hesitant as she didn't want to hurt him but he managed to convince her with the fact that she isn't currently that strong to actually really hurt him. After a few shots she followed his orders.

It has already been an hour and this is the second time that Asia has fallen on the ground from the exhaustion. Caesar decided to let her have some rest before starting again as he let her sit on the ground.

"It's a pretty hard training." Asia said as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead.

"If you want to become strong to protect yourself and to serve me then this type of training is needed. Of course, we will increase the difficulty as time goes on." Caesar said to her with a smile.

"Okay." Asia said with a nod.

He sat beside her as he massaged her shoulders as Asia sighed in relief from the release of tension from her muscles. A smile appeared on her face as she felt his hands on her though she also gained a blush as well.

'Caesar is touching me on my shoulders right now. I know he is just helping me but having his big hands on my shoulders is a bit embarrassing.' Asia thought to herself with a blush.

'This will make her familiar to my hands as well.' Caesar thought to himself as he massaged her shoulders.

After a few more minutes Asia stood back up as Caesar stood in front of her a few feet away as he looked at her.

"Now Asia, attack me again." Caesar said to her as he looked at her.

"Okay." Asia said as she shot demonic energy at him.

Caesar stood still as the attacks hit him but didn't do much as Asia frowned from it. She kept on attacking before gathering her last remaining energy and shooting a concentrated shot which hit him and managed to damage him a bit.

"Good. You're improving." Caesar said as he looked at the various small cuts on his body and the wound he just got.

He was already used to the pain as he looked at himself. Asia nodded before she walked to him and used her Twilight Healing to heal his body. After that she attacked again before she healed his body again.

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