Chapter 5 - Visit of the Sitri

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"Master, lady Leviathan, Lady Sona, and Lord and Lady Sitri are here." Yuri said as she informed Caesar in his study.

"I know. Let's go." Caesar said as he stood up from his chair.

The two of them then went to the living room where they had met Rias, Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno before. They saw the aforementioned family sitting on the sofa while they were being served by the maids.

They noticed him as he entered the room and went to stand in front of the couch opposite them as the Sitri family stood up alongside Serafall.

"Welcome lady Leviathan, lord and lady Sitri and miss Sona Sitri." Caesar greeted them with a calm tone.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Lord Sitri said to him courteously.

"It is only natural that I do. Please, take a seat so we can talk." Caesar said as he gestured for them to sit.

The group sat down as he did as well. The family was looking at him seriously with Serafall having a curious look on her face as she looked at him.

"So, might I ask the reason for your visit?" Caesar asked them calmly.

"Yes well we wanted to talk about having our daughter engaged to you. Since you had beaten her in chess and all." Lord Sitri said to him.

"I see. I know of the condition that Sona Sitri had placed. But we had that chess match purely for the act of playing. Surely that doesn't mean anything?" Caesar said to them with a smile.

"Actually it does. No matter the reason why you did that, you had defeated Sona in a battle of chess and so as per her condition, she will be engaged to you." Lord Sitri said to him.

"So it's non negotiable and we must be engaged. Is that what you're saying?" Caesar asked him in response.

"I guess you could say that. My little sister is very smart so we don't know if any other devil would ever beat her." Serafall interjected with a smile.

"Is that so? What does Sona have to say about it?" Caesar asked as he looked at the girl.

Sona sighed when he asked that while the others looked at her. She looked at him with a serious face as she regarded him.

"I am the one who made that condition for my engagement and if I back down now then I'm essentially lying about it. So I can't back down from this." Sona said to him seriously.

'So her pride won't let her back out of it.' Caesar thought to himself as he looked at her.

"We came here to ask you to become engaged to our daughter. She has already given her consent and so we want to hear yours." Lady Sitri said as she looked at him.

Caesar looked at the Sitri family and saw the faces of the two parents and the elder sister and he knew that they were hoping for him to say yes. He looked at Sona but she kept her poker face the same.

"Okay. I agree to the engagement." Caesar said to them with a small smile.

"That's wonderful!" Lady Sitri said with a smile.

"I am happy to hear that." Lord Sitri said to him with a smile.

"Ohoho! My sister has a boyfriend now." Serafall said with a smile on her face.

Sona meanwhile has a shocked look on her face as she looks at him. He realised that she was probably banking on him refusing.

'But where's the fun in that? This will likely cause more chaos for her.' Caesar thought to himself as he smiled at them.

After that they talked about the official matters regarding the engagement and even showed documents which they had to sign. They had obviously prepared for this beforehand as all the documents were there. He had made sure to read them the second the documents came into view and he was okay with them.

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