Chapter 16 - Caesar and the White Cat

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"Let's go to my office Koneko." Caesar said to her with a smile as he stood straight.

"Ok." Koneko said as she nodded while she controlled her blush.

The two then went to his office followed by Yuri. But when they reached the place he told Yuri to stay out of the office while he and Koneko entered. Yuri nodded to him and closed the door before standing before it dutifully.

'I already have a vague idea about what he is planning to do.' Yuri thought to herself as she stood guard in front of the doors.

Inside the office Caesar went and sat on the couch in the office, with another couch sitting opposite his own with a table in the middle as he looked at Koneko who was standing a few metres away from the couch.

"Come on Koneko." Caesar called her as he pat his lap.

She looked at his lap as she blushed more before she walked and slowly sat on his lap. Caesar chuckled before he wrapped his arms around her causing her to stiffen for a moment before she relaxed as he started to rub her head.

"How have you been Koneko?" Caesar asked her tenderly.

"Fine." Koneko said to him as she enjoyed the headpat.

"I see. Do you like sitting on my lap?" Caesar asked her with a smile.

"....Yes." Koneko said quietly as her blush increased causing him to smile.

"Good to know. By the way, I want to ask you something." Caesar said to her with a smile.

"What is it?" Koneko asked as she turned to him and looked at him with her usual indifferent eyes.

"I lost one of my dirty shirts a while back. I remembered that you were visiting during the time the shirt disappeared. Do you know something about it?" Caesar said before asking her with a smile on his face.

Koneko's eyes widened when she heard that as she turned her head and looked down with her face turning red from the blush blooming on her face. Caesar however noticed her odd behaviour as he gained a glint in his eyes as he turned his face and looked at her red face.

"So, why did you take it?" Caesar asked her with a smile.

"I... didn't take it..." Koneko said in a weak tone.

"Sure you didn't. Koneko I'm not as dismissive as you think I am ok. Besides, I care very much about the things I own so even if it's a shirt I would know if it's missing. So tell me, why did you do it?" Caesar asked her with a smile.

Koneko blushed more as her face gained heat as she looked down as Caesar waited for her.

"Will you answer?" Caesar asked after a few moments.

"I... took it because I wanted to smell you and that shirt had your smell on it." Koneko said to him embarrassed.

"So, you like my smell huh. I guess that makes sense considering you are a cat." Caesar said to her with an amused look.

Koneko just gulped as she looked down but then she was quickly turned around by Caesar as she was sitting on his lap with her facing his chest. But her surprise increased when he hugged her as her face got close to his chest and hit her as she was smothered by his chest.

"I didn't actually take a bath and was planning to take one after seeing the guest and telling them I would get ready so I only dried myself. But I think you like this don't you?" Caesar said to her as he held her in place.

Due to how close they are Koneko couldn't help but get his smell as she sniffed his smell a bit as she gained a nostalgic look before she got her bearings as she tried to push herself off of him using her strength.

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