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 Chapter four: An unexpected detour

I groaned in frustration as I approached the elevator in sector A, only to find out that it was out of order.

Fuck my fucking useless life

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle on my shoulders. The thought of climbing the stairs after a long day was simply unbearable.

I made a split-second decision. I veered off course and headed towards the second elevator on the other side of the building.

As I walked, I couldn't help but notice the Khun Korn office nearby.

"You are not playing fair with Vegas," Khun Kim shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. My curiosity peaked, and I inched closer, my heart pounding in my chest.

What in the world, He is doing here?

Hearing Vegas's name I can't help but, stealthily approach the office, my heart pounding in my chest. I leaned in closer, my senses on high alert, trying to catch every word.

"The things you did, were not fair either Kimhan," And then, Khun Korn's voice cut through the air, his tone laced with a mix of authority and defiance.

"It's his father's legacy why do you want to give it Porsche?"

"Oh, Now you are taking his side?"

As the conversation escalated, the tension between them grew palpable. "I'll do anything, but I will never take your side," Khun Kim declared, his voice filled with determination.

What in the fucking earth they are talking about?

"I'm not either saying you to take my side,"

"Just make Vegas sign these papers, and your work will be completed, I'll not do any harm to your boy,"

The mention of "your boy" left me perplexed. Who could they be referring to? And why was this person caught in the middle of their dispute?

Your boy? Who he is referring to?

In a desperate plea, Khun Kim tried to protect the mysterious "boy." "Why do you have to involve him in our mess?" he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

But Khun Korn's response sent a chill down my spine. "Your choice. If you want him to get killed, then it's okay," he sneered, his words hanging in the air like a dark cloud.

"Your choice, you want to get him to get killed, so it's okay,"

"Fine, I'll do that, But you will not do any harm to Porchay, right?"

My eyes widened in disbelief, My mind racing with the implications of what I had just heard.

This unexpected detour had led me to a revelation, a secret that could alter the course of my life.

I didn't hear any more words so, I straightened myself and continued on my way.

Porchay? Why is Khun Kim protecting him?

What types of paper do they want Vegas to sign?




These words only make one sense, Khun Korn has eyes for Vegas's birthright.


I paced back and forth in my dimly lit room, my mind racing with thoughts. Should I gather the courage to confide in Vegas about what I've been listening to today?

But then, wouldn't that be considered a betrayal of the main clan? It's all so confusing, I swear! And let's not forget about Khun Korn, his actions aren't exactly saintly either.

He's betraying us by lying to Kinn and manipulating poor Porchay. Right?

Feeling a sense of urgency, I quickly hopped into the shower, the warm water cascading over me, cleansing both my body and my mind. Once refreshed, I swiftly slipped back into my uniform, ready to embark on my secret mission.

Vegas seems like a better choice than sticking with a leader who's turned out to be quite filthy.

I've decided not to overthink things anymore. Whatever happens, happens.

With determination in my heart, I left my room and tiptoed down the stairs, careful not to make a sound.

As luck would have it, one of the bodyguards at the main gate was casually leaning against the wall, puffing away on a cigarette. I had rehearsed my excuse in my head, ready to spill it out.

"I'll be back before one in the morning," I confidently declared before he could even question my whereabouts.

"Where are you off to?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"To buy some food for Elisabeth and Sebastian," I smoothly replied.

"Didn't they die because of Porsche?" he questioned.

Fuck my life

"Oops, their names just slipped out. I meant to say I'm getting food for the other fish of Khun Tankhun," I quickly covered up, relieved as the guard let me pass through the gate.

Hailing a taxi, I swiftly hopped in and shared the location with the driver, feeling the sweat forming on my palms and my forehead dripping with nervous perspiration.


Thank you for reading.

Words count: 773


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