happy little family

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You were doing the dishes as you looked out of the window to see your 5 year old daughter karina playing outside, you smiled as you saw her running around in the garden.

As you finally finished doing the dishes you walked outside to see your husband ghost run after her, playing with her. you laughed at the scene, this is all you've dreamed off, to have a nice little family.

"Come on simon and karina, it's getting late, get inside" you said walking towards them. karina ran towards you in full speed making you fall with her as she giggled "watch out, you could have hurt me" you chuckled.

Ghost came up beside you sitting next to you on the grass as karina sat on your lap. "can we watch the sunset together mommy pleaseee" she begged out. "okay fine, but then we'll go inside" you sighed out.

You turned your head to ghost noticing him staring at you, he smiled as he kissed your forehead. you rested your head on his shoulder. karina was now half sitting on your lap and ghosts lap as you watched the sunset together.

"you know y/n..." ghost started as you still looked at the sunset "hm?" you asked caressing your daughters hair. "it's not your fault". you turned your head to him as you looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?",he looked at you now too "our deaths, they're not your fault". you froze as you stopped caressing your daughters hair. you looked at karina as she did too.

"no no no this can't be true you're hear please simon" you whined out looking back at him. "you have to let us go y/n it's been 10 years" he said caressing your cheek. you started to panic as they began to fade away.

You tried to hold into your daughter but it was too late, you held into the ground as you sobbed. that's when you noticed the location changed, you looked up seeing a crashed car in flames.

It was the car, the same cat your daughter and husband died in. "mommy please help me it hurts" you heard your daughter cry out from the car. "I'm coming sweetheart please hold on!" you yelled running towards the car.

No matter how much you or how fast you ran you never made it to the car, it was like you were running in a loop. you kept on hearing your daughter cry out for you as you continued crying not being able to save her.

"why are you not helping us y/n?, I thought you loved us" you heard, it was ghost also from the car. you continued running and running "I'm trying!" you sobbed out. You fell to the ground, continuing to cry as you looked up.

Your husband and Karina laid there, dead. You ran towards them as you clinged into their body's "I'm so sorry" you cried out. You finally woke up from the dream, drenched it sweat as you were still crying.

Ghost and Karina both died in an accident 10 years ago, only you survived. it still haunts you to this day, you wish you died with them that day.

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