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You were tired, better said exhausted, your baby wouldn't stop crying. You've tried everything, you changed his diaper, feed him, gave him a bath, gave him attention, literally everything.

Just as you thought he finally fell asleep, you tried to get sleep yourself but just as you relaxed into your bed you heard him crying again in his nursery. You sighed out in annoyance as you rubbed your eyes.

You loved your son, you truly did but lately he's just been a pain in the ass. With him crying all the time, getting not even a minute to yourself and having to deal with so many other things was just too much to handle.

You just ended up sitting on your bed, crying, everything was just too much. You heard him finally stop crying as you heard someone enter your room. You looked up to see, ghost, your husband.

You looked back down, you didn't want to see him right now, the last thing you wanted was to see him. "go away" you mumbled wiping away your tears.

He didn't answer, he just sat down next to you, pulling you into him. He didn't say anything, he just gently rubbed your back just like he always used to do . It just made you sob even more, finally being able to let everything out.

"shh, you're going to alright" he whisperd, pulling you closer. The sensation of his hand rubbing your back and you being able to feel his warmth made you relax into him.

He leaned back into the bed, making your head rest on his chest. You calmed down even more with the sound of his heartbeat, "I'm doing everything wrong Simon" you mumbled, tears still streaming down your cheeks, staining his shirt.

He caressed your head, occasionally running his finger through your hair. "you're not doing anything wrong y/n, it's normal, he's just 3 months old" he said, his voice calm, trying to make you believe him.

"and how would know that?" you asked him, he just sighed "you're a strong woman, I promise you that you can do it" he replied. "you and your promises" you mumbled annoyed.

"you know I keep my promises, I'm sure this one will come true" tears fell down your cheeks again as you raised your head to look at him. "just like you promised you would come home to me".

He looked at you now too, holding your cheek, wiping away a few tears with his thumb. "you knew I could never for sure keep that promise y/n", you could see the guilt in his eyes. "your promised" your voice broke as you looked at him.

"you promised me you'll come home to me and and raise our son together" you said, your throat hurting from crying. Tears just escaped your eyes none stop at this point.

Ghost didn't reply as he just started at you,  he didn't know what to say. "say something!" you yelled. "I'm sorry y/n" he said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "you have to stay strong okay? Do it for me, for him" he said his voice breaking as he kissed your forehead.

making you close your eyes, as you opened them again you saw that he was gone. You dreamt of him again, and each time you did it hurt even more than the last time.

He promised you before he went on that mission that he'd come back home and finally retire for you and raise your son together. You were 8 months pregnant, he was supposed to be home before you were even due on that month.

But he never came home, he died. Leaving you heartbroken, raising your son all by yourself. And he looked just like him, he got the brown eyes and hair from him and he even has the same nose as him. He was beautiful.

And just like he told you, you will stay strong for your son, raise him just like you always promised. Because that's what he deserves and you can't disappoint ghost.

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