broken promises

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It was around 11pm, everyone was sleeping except ghost. he sat on a bench infront of the base looking at the sky while smoking a cigarette. he noticed someone sitting down next to him.

"what are you still doing up?" a voice asked, it was you. "can't sleep." he said not looking at you as he took another drag of his cigarette. "you promised you would stop smoking simon" you sighed out looking at him.

"You are talking about promises now?" he chuckled. "why are you so moody again?" you said trying to keep your cool. "you know why I am" he said as he took a final drag of his cigarette and stomped it on the ground.

"Well fucking stop it, you're letting your anger out on everyone simon". "that's none of your business y/n" he sighed out still looking at the sky as he crossed his arms, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You promis-" you started as he cut you off "fucking stop it with the promises! you also broke your promise!" he yelled as he leaned more against the bench looking down at his lap.

"you promised you won't fuck up that mission, you were supposed to do as I said and you didn't" he said clenching his jaw. "simon I'm sorry okay? I thought it would work." he scoffed "it obviously didn't."

"But if I wouldn't have done it I couldn't have saved all those people", "but you could have saved yourself" he said finally looking towards the side of the bench you were supposed to be.

But you weren't, you couldn't be. he yet again talked to himself trying to blame everyone and everything for your death. you died on that mission 2 months ago, of course you saved about 20 people's lives but in exchange you lost yours.

He sighed as he wiped away a single tear that was rolling down his cheek, he loved you and he tried to protect you as much as possible. you would have lived if you just had listened to him but you didn't.

He stood up as he walked back to the barracks, after your death he promised himself to never get as close to someone as he did with you. he can't deal with that pain again.

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