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You walked through the front door, of your to be soon old house. You were just picking up the last boxes, you sighed at seeing how empty it is. So you decided to walk through it one last time.

You walked to the kitchen, the kitchen you and ghost cooked together so many times. You chuckled at the thought of the one time where you both baked brownies but ended up with throwing flour at each other while running around in the kitchen.

You loved those nights where you both cooked dinner together, it was peaceful. Since ghost was often on missions he always cooked with you after he got back, so you loved them, to know he's back with you safely.

You continued walking to the living room. Probably one of your favorite rooms, it had that beautiful big grey couch which you and ghost always cuddled on while watching TV.

From the couch you could also look out of the backdoor to the not too big garden. It was beautiful, your dog riley loved it that's why you bought a house with a garden in the first place.

You continued walking as you passed the bathroom, to your not favorite but also not least favorite room. It has good and bad memories, there were times you both just took baths together enjoying each other's company.

But there were times where you bathed ghost mostly after he had a panic attack or came back from a mission he got injured on and you just wanted to take care of him.

As you continued walking you reached your shared bedroom. You loved it, cuddling in bed with ghost, and even having intimate moments with him. You loved waking up and seeing his gorgeous face, feeling his warmth as he told you to stay for just 5 more minutes.

But what hurt was to wake up and see his side of the bed empty when he was away on missions. But he was always back home before you knew it, and there was always his scent on his side of the bed that comforted you.

The scent you loved so much, you sighed as you walked over to the last few boxes on the middle of the room. You opened one up, they were the last few boxes you kept of ghosts stuff.

The stuff you kept as a reminded of him, there were a few shirts from him, and that jacket he always wore. You picked it up, it still smelled like him. You carefully put it back, as if you were scared to break it. There was also another small box.

The box captain price gave you, it had his dog tags in them, his skull mask and his balaclavas. You began to tear up as you let out a shaky sigh. You never actually expected the day to come where you would get that box.

His death was so hard for you, you didn't want to believe it, you screamed at price as he showed up at your door and told you, you told him to stop lying. But he wasn't, as soon as he gave you the box you knew, he wasn't going to come home.

It's been 8 months now since his death, it was hard to deal with the grief, you mostly stayed in bed crying all day long. He was the love of your life, your soulmate. And suddenly he was just gone.

You decided to move on, you knew staying in this house which had all those memories of him won't help it, you needed to move on for him and for you. The only thing you kept of him was those boxes.

You wanted to move on, you knew it will be a long and painful process but that's what ghost would have wanted for you. You had to.

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