Finally together

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You walk through the woods in a steady yet fast pace with your gun pointed forward as you watched out for enemies. On your left side was ghost, your lieutenant and your husband.

You were not fully paying attention to your surroundings since you were too excited, not about this mission but what will happen after it. You have begged ghost to finally retire with you for years now.

But he never wanted to, he always said that the both of you are still young, that you had time and he just doesn't want to retire when his team needs him the most. He was a good solider, the best in your opinion so you accepted his reasoning.

You kept on asking and asking yet he kept on telling you soon or next year. But now you've both been together for 8 years, married for 5 and you just wanted to start a family with him, he's the love of your life.

You're scared that one mission will be the last for one of you and that you won't have the chance to do everything you wanted to do . So you asked him again before the mission, told him your fears and then he finally promised you that after this mission you both will finally retire together.

You almost jumped out of joy, this is all you ever dreamed of, to be with him and to never have to even think of losing him. That's why you were so excited and not even focused on the mission as you kept on daydreaming of what it'll be like with just you and him.

You snapped out of your thoughts as ghost slightly shoved your arm "stay focused y/n" he said as you both continued to walk through the woods, towards the hidden base you were supposed to check out. "I'm sorry I'm just excited aren't you?" you asked with a big grin on your face.

He looked over his shoulder to see your big grin in which he chuckled "of course I am" you quickened your pace so you walked beside him again. "what do we need to do at the base?" you asked him.

He let out a sigh "Laswell said it might be a hidden enemy's base, they found a computer on the last mission which had the coordinations on them" he answered.

"seems important" you mumbled, "yeah it is" he agreed. You both continued walking as ghost suddenly froze as you heard it too, footsteps just a few meters infront of the both of you.

You both hid behind trees, you carefully looked through the scope of your gun but you didn't see anyone. "do you see anyone?" you whispered. "no" he replied in the same voice tone.

You moved forward to another tree, hoping to see who's there. Ghost tried to stop you but you were too fast and he didn't want to make more noises.

Ghost just saw you tilting your head to look behind the tree as he heard a shot and saw you fall to the ground. Ghost froze in shock, trying to process what just happend, but his legs instantly moved towards you.

He quickly checked your pulse not caring if the person was still there, he just wanted to check if you're alive, but you weren't. The shot to the temple of your head killed you instantly.

As he looked up he saw a solider of the enemy team, pointing their gun at ghost. He shot ghost before he could even react in any way, making him fall to the ground as he blacked out.

Ghost awoke with a enormous amount of pain in his chest as someone shook him, he couldn't make out who it was since his sight was blurry and the ringing of his ears blurred out the voices.

Finally his sight got clearer and the ringing went away as he noticed soap was pressing down on the wound of his chest as price was the one that shook him. "stay awake solider!" price yelled at him.

Ghost tilted his head to his side as he saw you laying right beside him, that's when he remembered that you're dead. His eyes began to water as he just looked at your lifeless body.

Your death was completely his fault, he could have prevented it. You asked him so many times to retire with him yet he kept on saying next year or soon or next mission, and now it was too late.

"shit price he's losing too much blood!" soap yelled at price as he continued to press down on the wound. "Simon stay strong, medic is on the way!" price said shaking him. Just a few second later ghost closed his eyes forever.

Ghost awoke in a field as he stood up confused, 'is this heaven?' he asked himself as he looked around. It was beautiful, there were flowers everywhere with mountains in the distance.

He got cut off by his thoughts as he heard your voice as it made him turn around. There you stood infront of him, no more bullet wound on your head, just you beautiful as always.

"y/n!" he yelled as you ran towards him, hugging him as you both fell to the floor. Tears escaped ghost's eyes as he kissed your head "I've missed you" he said as he hugged you tighter.

"me too" you said laughing in joy, "we're finally together". "yeah we are" he agreed. You were finally together, even if it wasn't the ending you both had actually planned but you were together, that's what mattered.

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