The smell of rain

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The smell of rain; it's fascinating and meaningful to you. Ever since you were a kid, you had always loved it. You loved everything about it, the smell, the calmness of it, the comfort, and the memories it held.

Whenever it rained when you were a kid your mother just had to forcefully stop you from not running out of the door, as she didn't want you to get sick as you always played in the rain whenever you could.

But how could you not? You found your first best friend in the rain, a puppy who grew up with you and still lives to this day. Or the night your little brother was born, it was a stormy and rainy night. And so many other great things happened when it rained.

So whenever you smelt the rain, you instantly smiled as you remembered those special moments. But there are two very special rainy nights which you loved more than any of the others.

The first one was on your day of deployment into a new task force. You worked hard and got offered a place in a very well-known task force, task force 141. And of course, you gladly accepted it.

The night you and 2 other guys arrived at the base, it was raining heavily. As you finally landed a lieutenant showed you around the base. You instantly found interest in him. He seemed so misterious with his mask, covering himself completely, hiding the person behind it.

But he wasn't very fond of you. He saw you as annoying. You were an positiv person, always tried to see the good in life. But he was the complete opposite, maybe that's why he hated you, and maybe that's why he also fell in love with you in the end.

No matter how many times he tried to ignore you, the feelings he had about you. And tried to push them away, you still managed to squeeze into his heart and make him feel human again, and not this killer machine he's trained to be.

So for the second special rainy moment, it was a windy summer night, it wasn't even raining yet as you and Ghost walked around in the almost empty town you had just finished a mission in. You both just left the bar after celebrating, wanting to get some fresh air.

The both of you were now walking through a park, it was dead silently, but not an awkward silence. You never had an awkward silence with him. His company was enough to please and comfort you. You were lost in your thoughts as it began to rain.

A chuckle left your lips as you smiled. "What are you laughing about?" Ghost asked confused. "Nothing I just love the the smell of rain" you said as your smile widened "Why? There's nothing special about it, it's just rain" he questioned your answer.

"Maybe not for you, but for me it is, alot of great things happened to me when it was raining" you started as you stopped to look at him as he did too. He stared at you through his balaclava, his gorgeous brown eyes staring into yours, making you get lost in them.

"Remember when I first joined?" You asked, in which he nodded in response, noticebly confused. "Well there was this lieutenant, who just catched my eye and I instantly fell in love with him." You smiled as you talked, looking up at him.

"And it was raining the whole night and it just calmed down as our tour around the base was over, so I loved that raining moment more than any other" you finished as you began to walk again as the rain was now getting heavier, completely drenching your clothes.

But Ghost just stood there putting the pieces together as he realised it, he was the only lieutenant you met that day. He quickly ran after you as you began to run too. "Now don't run away from me! You just confessed to me" he laughed as he tried to catch you.

You ran around the grass as you finally stopped, trying to catch your breath as you turned around to face him "okay you win Si-" before you could even finish that sentence Ghost had already knocked you to the ground, falling down with you and on top of you.

You both just broke out into laughter. As you slowly stopped laughing, you realised how close you both actually were. You stared up into his eyes as he stared back into yours. "So you love me huh" he teased you, even tho you can't see it, you knew he was smiling behind his mask.

"Hm no maybe there was another lieutenant walking around with a skull mask that day" you joked. He chuckled as he unexpectedly pulled of his balaclava, letting you take in his features. He  had light brown hair, a stubble beard, a scar on his tempel and his lip, freckles covering his nose and cheeks, a sharp jawline making him look even more attractive. He overall looked majestic.

"Wow" you smiled, "hiding your beauty behind that silly mask huh" you joked. He just laughed in response as he looked at you, love and affection being seen in his eyes. "God I've been waiting for this moment for months Y/n" he whispered as he looked at your lips.

And then it happend, he kissed you. You don't know for how long the both of you laid there, kissing as the rain completely drenched the both of you. But it felt like years, and you'd give anything to go back in time and be there again.

The rest of the night was wonderful, the both of went to the motel you had booked and spent the night together as you had to head back early in the morning.

You were so happy to have experienced once again, a wonderful memory as it rained, just by the smell of the rain you remembered that night in the park. You did every time it had rained, your heart fluttering as you smelt that earthy smell or watched the rain through your window.

But that soon changed.

It dramatically did.

Everything happend so fast.
But yet it seemed like the whole earth stopped in it's tracks.

It was a normal mission,
you were running through the woods,
trying to find the enemy as it was dark already.

But then it suddenly started to rain heavily, aggressively, but you didn't pay attention, you looked straight ahead for the fleeing enemy.

Which was your mistake, you didn't see the enemy lurking behind a tree right on your left.
But Ghost did.

All you heard was a shot, you then finnaly saw the enemy and shot him. "Damn that was clo-" you said as you turned around to look at Ghost. Your voice cut off as your body froze, your body turned numb, not knowing if your eyes saw reality or made this up. Ghost stood in front of you, holding into his stomach as he fell to the ground, he got shot.

You rushed to him as you catched his fall, laying him on his back as you pressed down on the wound "I'm going to get you help okay Simon?, please stay awake" you said as you panicked, you quickly talked into the radio for help.

Ghost didn't respond, he just looked at you as he coughed, you removed his mask to see it was blood that he coughed up, "I love you" he chocked out, before closing his eyes. "No no no! you yelled as you saw him dying right infront of your eyes. Price and the rest of the team came as they pushed you aside, hoping to somehow save him, but it was too late.

You just stared at his lifeless body. Your brain tuning everything out except the sound of the rain hitting the ground, you heart hurt with guilt and regret. You're the reason he's dead, you should have payed more attention, you shouldn't have underestimated the enemy.

You should have watched Ghost, should have told him you loved him back before he died, after everything he went through, he just died like that, because of your stupid mistake.

And you can never smell rain the way you did before. Everytime you do, you see his dead body infront of you, as if it just happened, as if you killed him. Which felt like you did. And you can never forgive yourself.

A/N: so posted another story again. I don't know when I'll write another one since I've ran out of ideas lmao.

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